There is no regular time interval for these large
outbreaks of polar air, but the average period is about
5 1/2 days between them. Under average conditions,
there are from three to six cyclonic waves on the polar
front between each outbreak of polar air. The first of
these usually travels along the front that lies farthest to
the north. As the polar air accumulates north of the
front, the front is pushed southward, and the last wave
therefore follows a path that starts farther south than the
path followed by the first wave. These families of polar
front cyclones appear most frequently over the North
Atlantic and North Pacific in the winter.
During the summer months, the polar fronts of the
Atlantic recede to a location near the Great Lakes
region, with the average summer storm track extending
from the St. Lawrence Valley, across Newfoundland,
and on toward Iceland. Polar outbreaks, with their
accompanying family groupings of cyclones, are very
irregular in summer and often do not exist at all. Frontal
activity is more vigorous in the winter than in the
summer because the polar and tropical air masses have
greater temperature contrasts in the winter, and polar
highs reach maximum development in the winter. Both
of these factors increase the speed of winds flowing into
fronts. Over oceans of middle latitudes, a third factor
helps to make winter fronts more vigorous than
summer fronts. In the winter, continental air becomes
very unstable when it moves over the comparatively
warm ocean surface; in the summer, it remains
relatively stable over the comparatively cool ocean.
Summer frontal activity (in middle latitudes) is
therefore weak over oceans as well as over land. The
high moisture content of maritime air causes much
cloudiness, but this moisture adds little energy to
frontal activity in the relatively stable summer air.
The polar fronts in the Pacific. These fronts are
similar to those of the Atlantic, except that in the winter
there are usually two fronts at once. When one high
dominates the subtropical Pacific in the winter season,
the pacific polar front forms near the Asiatic coast. This
front gets its energy from the temperature contrast
between cold northerly monsoon winds and the tropical
maritime air masses, and from the warm, moist
Kuroshio Current. In moving along this polar front of
the Asiatic North Pacific in winter, storms occlude
before reaching the Aleutian Islands or the Gulf of
Alaska. Because of its steady cyclonic circulation, the
Aleutian low becomes a focal center, or a gathering
point, for cyclones. The occluded fronts move around
its southern side like wheel spokes. This frontal
movement is limited to the southern side of the
Aleutian low because mountains and the North
American winter high-pressure center prevent fronts
from passing northward through Alaska without
considerable modification.
In the winter the cyclones reach the Aleutians and
the Gulf of Alaska. Here, Arctic air from the north
meets the relatively warmer maritime air from the
south. The Pacific arctic front of winter is found in this
region. Although many occluded storms dissipate in the
Gulf of Alaska, others strongly regenerate with waves
developing on what were once occluded fronts.
When the Pacific subtropical high divides into two
cells or segments (as it does 50 percent of the time in the
winter and 25 percent of the time in the summer), a
front forms in the vicinity of Hawaii. Along this front,
storms develop and move northeastward. These storms
called Kona storms, have strong southwest winds and
bring heavy rains to the islands. Those storms that
succeed in moving beyond the realm of the northeast
trade winds, which stunt them, may develop quite
vigorously and advance to the North American coast,
generally occluding against the mountains. When this
second polar front exists, two systems of cyclonic
disturbances move across the Pacific. Because of their
greater sources of energy, however, storms that
originate over the Kuroshio Current and move toward
the Aleutians are almost always more severe. In the
Atlantic, a second polar front, similar in nature and
source to the second polar front of the Pacific,
sometimesthough rarelydevelops.
During the summer months, the Pacific polar front
lies to the north of Kamchatka and the Aleutians and
shows no rhythmic polar outbreaks.
Air-Mass Weather
Flying weather is usually best in tropical maritime
air, at its source, within the subtropical highs. Scattered
cumulus and patches of stratocumulus clouds may
develop, but the sky is almost never overcast. Scant
precipitation falls in scattered showers and variable,
mild winds prevail.
The excellent flying weather in these mT source
regions commonly extends through the moving air
masses some distance from the sources. Cloudiness in
the mT air increases with an increase in distance from
the source.
On flights from Hawaii or from the Azores
stratiform clouds increase. On flights from Hawaii or
the Azores southward, through southward-moving mT