weather, as we know it, could not exist; there would be
no clouds and no precipitation. The oceans are by far
the greatest source of moisture for the atmosphere.
Other moisture sources are negligible in comparison.
Whether the atmosphere gives up some of its
moisture to the ocean or vice versa depends greatly
upon vapor pressure. Vapor pressure is the pressure
exerted by the molecules of water vapor in the
atmosphere or over the surface of liquid water. When
the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to that of the
atmosphere above the liquid, there is little or no
apparent interchange of moisture. In other words, at
equal vapor pressure, just as many molecules escape
from the liquid to the atmosphere and vice versa. This is
the case when air becomes saturated. The saturation
vapor pressure increases with increasing temperature.
If the temperature of the surface water is warmer
than that of the air, the vapor pressure of the water at its
surface is greater than that of the air. When this
condition exists, there can be abundant evaporation
from the ocean surface. This evaporation is aided by the
turbulence of the air brought on by the unstable
condition of the lower layers. It follows, then, that the
greatest evaporation takes place when cold air flows
over warm ocean waters.
Let us consider the opposite conditionwarm air
flowing over a relatively cold body of water. When this
happens, there is stable stratification in the lower layers
of the atmosphere. The vapor pressure of the air soon
reaches a state of equilibrium with that of the water
surface. Evaporation stops. However, if the warm air is
quite moist, it is possible for the moisture in the air to
condense on the water surface. Contact of the warm air
with the cold water may result in the formation of fog
by lowering the air temperature to the dew point.
The direct interchange of moisture from the
atmosphere to the oceans occurs through precipitation
and, to a lesser extent, condensation. The direct
meteorologically as the indirect interchange. The
indirect interchange is a sequence of events beginning
with the evaporation of water from the ocean surfaces
and ending with the subsequent condensation and
precipitation over land areas.
Generally, precipitation occurs more frequently
over land than over the oceans. Though the oceans are a
source of abundant moisture, they normally lack the
required precipitation mechanisms, such as vertical
mixing, strong temperature contrasts, and orographic
Equatorial and Tropical Weather
In the Temperate Zone, where westerly winds
predominate, pressure patterns move in an easterly
direction. In the tropics, however, weather usually
moves in the opposite direction. Normally, a moist
layer, 5,000 to 8,000 feet deep exists in this region.
During unfavorable weather, this layer deepens to more
than 12,000 feet. Convergence occurs in opposing trade
wind streams, northward flowing air, and areas of
cyclonic curvature. The presence of a deep, moist layer
and convergent winds account for the weather in
equatorial and tropical regions.
North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans
In the winter, the most favorable conditions for
vigorous frontal activity are concentrated along the east
coasts of North America and Asia. These conditions are
associated with polar front activity. Cold air masses
from continental sources meet warm, moist air from
over the oceans. The warm ocean currents along these
coasts greatly accentuate the frontal activity. The great
temperature difference of the air masses, caused by the
contrasting characteristics and proximity of their
sources and the moisture that feeds into the air from the
warm ocean currents, accounts for the intensity and
persistence of these frontal zones off the east coasts in
the winter. Modification of the air masses as they sweep
eastward across the ocean leads to modified frontal
activity on the west coasts. Refer back to chapter 4, to
figures 4-25 and 4-26 for the location of the following
frontal zones:
Polar fronts in the Atlantic. In the Atlantic, in
winter, polar fronts are found situated in various
locations between the West Indies and the Great Lakes
area. Intensity is at a maximum when the fronts
coincide with the coastline. Waves, with cold and warm
northeastward along the front. Like all cyclonic waves,
they develop low-pressure centers along the frontal
trough. They may grow into severe disturbances and go
through the usual stages of development: formation,
growth, occlusion, and dissipation.
These cyclonic waves occur in families. Each
family of waves is associated with a southward surge,
or outbreak, of cold polar air. The polar front
commonly extends approximately through the Great
Lakes area. As the polar air advances, it pushes the front
southward. The outbreak occurs, and polar air, joining
the trade winds, spills equatorward.