Table 2-3.TESS (3) Environmental ProgramsContinued
Ambient Noise (AN)
Provides noise predictions.
Corrects for local, seasonal,
directional, and omnidirectional
Designed for deep water.
Unreliable predictions for water
depths less than 300 m deep.
Tactical Oceanographic Acoustic
Spreadsheet (TOAS)
Computes sensor prediction data
using platform/sensor data bases,
the propagation loss model, and
associated data bases. Requires
minimal user response.
Many considerations; refer to TESS
3.0 Users Guide.
Edit Orbital Element Set (EDORD)
Allows editing of satellite orbital
Few limitations for satellite orbital
Orbital Satellite Prediction
Provides satellite-pass summaries
Rise and set time error ranges from
consisting of rise and set time, pass
1 to 5 sec. Predictions limited by
duration, ship position during the
the number of satellites for a
pass, and maximum elevation.
specific latitude area.
Geostationary Satellite (GSAT)
Computes antenna-aiming data
Assumes a stationary platform.
based on operator-specified ship
location and bearing, and the
satellite longitude.
The TESS-Next Century (NC) Transition was
released as an interim system to fill the void between
TESS (3) and the full deployment of TESS-Next
Century. As discussed in chapter 1, significant changes
to TESS were introduced with this system, with Internet
access being the most important advantage. In addition
to Internet access, the TESS-NC Transition includes a
wide variety of commercial and government software
programs. Commercial software programs include the
Windows NT operating system, Microsoft Office, and
commercial web browsers. Government software
includes the Joint METOC Viewer (JMV), the Electro-
Optical Tactical Decision Aid (EOTDA), and SMOOS
interface software.
In addition, several of the
environmental programs in MIDDS are installed with
the TESS-NC Transition.
TESS-Next Century (TESS-NC) retains several of
the same software packages as the TESS-NC Transition
system. As of this writing, the total complement of
software programs has not been fully developed.
TESS-NC operates using the Windows NT Server and
Workstation Operating System and maintains SMOOS
interface capability. Commercial word processing and
graphics programs center around Microsoft Office
programs. Commercial web browsers are also included
with the system.
Government software programs
include the JMV program, the EOTDA program, and
refractivity prediction programs, which are discussed
shortly. Additional government software includes
various GFMPL programs, such as TIDES and SURF,
and software programs from MIDDS, such as the
SAND application (discussed in chapter 1).
As mentioned in chapter 1, TESS-NC also includes
a data base server and workstation that operate using an
HP-UX (UNIX) Operating System. This workstation is
used to access tactical applications programs via the
Global Command and Control System-Maritime
(GCCS-M). In addition, the SPPED/ICAPS II
Integrated Product (SIIP) is run from this workstation.
SIIP is a series of several integrated environmental
programs that access historical and tactical data bases.
SIIP products include sound speed profiles (SSPs),
acoustic raytraces, ocean data analysis products,
passive acoustic propagation loss (PAPL) displays,
sensor performance prediction (SPP) protiles, and
ambient noise (AN) data.