How are NODDS products obtained?
What types of products can be obtained from
What is a significant processing advantage of
products are obtained from the Joint METOC
Viewer (JMV).
Identify the manual that
explains the use of JMV. Describe the major
features of the Joint METOC Viewer (JMV).
Identify the types of products available from
The Joint METOC Viewer (JMV) is an easy-to-use
tool for displaying and annotating meteorological and
oceanographic data. JMV is quite similar to NODDS,
although JMV products are obtained exclusively via the
Internet. JMV consists of software that utilizes web
means to make FNMOC environmental products
available to regional METOC centers. These products
can then be obtained by facilities, detachments, and
other DOD users who have web access. The computer
hardware and operating system combination necessary
to run JMV is a PC with Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or
Windows NT. In any case, the user must have a
working knowledge of Windows. Products for display
in JMV are accessed only from Naval METOC regional
centers or directly from FNMOC. Once downloaded,
products can be viewed, customized, exported, or
archived. There are far more display options and
graphics tools available with JMV than with NODDS.
Detailed information concerning JMV is provided
in the Joint METOC Viewer User Manual,
FLENUMETOCCEN P-352, which can be downloaded
from the FNMOC website. A list ofproducts from JMV
is also contained in the FNMOC Products Manual. To
request an account for JMV and the web page, users
must be members of the Department of Defense or
authorized DOD contractors. All requests for accounts
should be sent to the FNMOC web master at:
http://www.webmaster@fnoc.navy.mil (accessible
through the FNMOC web page). Routine requests for
new areas or changes to the data contained in an area can
also be made by contacting the FNMOC web master.
JMV is unique in its approach to environmental
data communications. A JMV thumbnail (defined
regional area) and associated product list is defined on
the host computer at the regional center. The data is
then stored on the host computer and any authorized
user can download it to their computer using the JMV
software package. Once the raw data is received by the
computer, the required contouring, streamlining,
shading, etc., is performed automatically until all
products are in a ready-to-display format. The user has
the ability to select contour intervals, change colors
(both screen and printer), and can also select unit
preferences (Metric/English). JMV has the ability to
overlay up to three different fields at once and display
individual sequence loops. Figure 2-5 is an example of
a surface pressure analysis from JMV.
JMV currently provides only the regional centers
(host computers) with the capability to define areas of
interest and select the different gridded products for the
defined areas. Other users must notify the appropriate
regional center of their area and product requirements
via telephone or email. The obvious limitation to this
process is that the geographical areas and associated
product lists are predefined by the regional centers and
by FNMOC. This problem will eventually be
eliminated as more powerful servers are introduced.
Software upgrades to JMV will also allow for slide
show presentations, tropical cyclone warning plots, a
"ship route" display feature, and other graphics
improvements. A list of JMV products is detailed in
section 2.3.5. of the JMV Users Guide. Watch
personnel at each of the regional centers provide 24-
hour support for JMV.
There are several other products that are currently
available from FNMOC via the NIPRNET. These
include various satellite products, meteorological and
oceanographic forecast products, and forecast model
reports, summaries, and tendency reviews. Check the
FNMOC website for details.
How are JMV products obtained?
What is the easiest method to obtain the "Joint
METOC Viewer Users Manual"?
JMV defined-areas are established by what