Table 2-3.TESS (3) Environmental ProgramsContinued
Sound Focus (SOCUS)
Ballistic Winds and Densities
Corrections (BALWIN)
Computes the focusing of
Computing sound focusing requires
atmospheric sound waves caused
highly accurate environmental data.
by an explosive blast. Normally
Prediction model was based on
used to determine liability for
data collected from over-water and
complaints or unintentional
over-flatland explosions. May not
be accurate for mountain terrains.
Computes ballistic wind and
Radiosonde data for the selected
density correction factors for naval
gunfire area must be used.
gunfire support.
Radiological Fallout (RADFO)
Forecasts the pattern of
Assumes meteorological conditions
accumulated radiation dose from a
are constant throughout the fallout.
nuclear fallout. Used to determine
Requires an accurate estimate of
ship and unit maneuvering to avoid
either the nuclear weapon yield or
potential nuclear radiation hazards.
the height of the nuclear cloud.
Does not assess thermal radiation,
electromagnetic effects, or initial
nuclear radiation. Used for only
near-surface blasts.
Aircraft Icing Analyses (AIRICE)
Analyzes radiosonde data to
Computes the probability and the
determine the potential for ice
type of ice that may form. Icing
accumulation on aircraft.
may occur in between different
radiosonde levels.
Ship Ice Accretion (SHIP ICE)
Tomahawk Environmental
Calculation Aid (TECA)
Estimates ship ice accretion based
More applicable for smaller ships.
on time, wind speed, and air/sea
Does not consider the physical
structure of the ship.
Calculates weighted mean averages Data is averaged for 1° square
of wind speed, wind direction, and
temperature for the overland
flightpaths of Tomahawk strike
Atmospheric Refractivity Profile
Generator (ARPGEN)
Creates or retrieves refractivity
data sets for use by the various
other EM programs.
Limited to 30 M-unit entries below
10 km in altitude. Refractivity data
may be several hours old.
Historical refractive data sets are
retrieved for closest radiosonde
Electromagnetic (EM) Device
Editor (EMDED)
Produces, edits, and maintains EM
The platform file can contain a
files (platforms, jammers, and
maximum of 30 platforms of 15
ESM receivers) used in different
EM systems each. Generic emitter
EM programs.
files may be created. Provides
maximum detection range for
radars assuming the radar is