There are numerous environmental products
available from NODDS. Meteorological products
include surface pressure, pressure heights (up to 200
hPa), cloud cover and precipitation data, high wind and
high seas warnings, and tropical cyclone warnings.
Oceanographic products include sea/swell height,
period, and direction data, sea surface temperature data,
mixed layer depth data, fronts and eddies data, and
various acoustic path range products. Satellite imagery
(DMSP only) can also be downloaded. Figure 2-4 is an
example of a surface pressure analysis with a horizontal
weather depiction (HWD) overlay.
NODDS allows users to select the geographical
area of interest and desired products via mouse point
and click options. Once the area and data selections are
complete, automatic access to the FNMOC model data
base is made via a dial-in connection. Since the
geography information is resident in the users PC, only
gridded environmental data covering the area of interest
is downloaded. This data is compressed, thus keeping
tile size, access time, and communications costs to a
There are several processing, display, and
annotation options as NODDS gives the user the
flexibility to view data in the way most appropriate for
shading, 3-dimensional plots, and synoptic station
model plots.
In addition, Skew-T diagrams,
streamlines, oceanographic temperature profiles, and
ocean temperature cross sections can also be plotted.
HWD charts can be constructed by simply clicking on
the applicable weather symbol icons that are provided
with the program.
As mentioned, a significant advantage of NODDS
is that it provides the capability to define an area of
interest and display different types of data for that area.
All standard meteorological fields available from
FNMOC can be displayed along with a wide number of
oceanographic and acoustic products. NODDS has the
capability to overlay up to three different fields, or
display individual sequence loops. Fields can also be
zoomed for more detail, and sent to a graphics capable
printer. The Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution
Publication 3147, can be downloaded from the
FNMOC website.
The Navy Oceanographic Data
Distribution System Products Manual describes the
applications and limitations of various products
available from NODDS. A list of available NODDS
products is also contained in the FNMOC Products
In rare instances, NODDS may be obtained via
AUTODIN message. The ship or activity requests the
area of coverage and the desired products. FNMOC
then incorporates the data into a composite file and
transmits the information via radio message (or e-mail).
This data can then be saved to diskette and uploaded on
the application. Display options allow for contouring,
a PC.
Figure 2-4.Example of NODDS surface pressure analysis with HWD overlay.