Table 2-3.TESS (3) Environmental ProgramsContinued
Electromagnetic Propagation
Conditions Summary (PCS)
Graphically depicts refractive
conditions of EM energy in the
atmosphere. Describes in narrative
the generalized refractive
Not applicable for frequencies
below 100 MHz or above 20 GHz.
Historical EM Propagation
Produces a historical summary of
No significant considerations.
Conditions (HEPC)
EM propagation conditions for a
specific location and month.
Electromagnetic Coverage Diagram
Provides the capability to determine Does not account for horizontal
how an EM system will perform in
changes in refractivity. Valid only
either detecting or communicating
for signals between 100 MHz and
with a given target or receiver.
20 GHz. Does not consider sea or
land clutter. Accounts for ducting.
Electromagnetic Path Loss Versus
Produces an EM path loss for a
Does not account for horizontal
Range (LOSS)
user-specified EM system with
changes in refractivity. Valid only
respect to range. Program
for signals between 100 MHz and
computes either an airborne- or
20 GHz. Does not consider sea or
surface-based path.
land clutter. Accounts for ducting.
Surface-search Radar Range
Determines SPS-10 and SPS-55
Does not account for horizontal
detection ranges for predefined U.S. changes in refractivity. Accounts
and Russian-built naval platforms.
for ducting. Requires accurate
refractiviy data.
Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Calculates and displays the
Maximum ranges limited to 541 nmi.
Range Tables
maximum intercept ranges of U.S.
Emitters are limited to the preset
and Russian-built surface emitters
list. Use the Platform Vulnerability
by a user-specified ESM receiver.
program for other emitters. Valid
only for signals between 100 MHz
and 20 GHz. Assumes the emitter
is on and operating at peak power.
Accounts for ducting and sea
Platform Vulnerability (PV)
Estimates the vulnerability of
Maximum range limited to 541 nmi.
various emitters to a specified ESM
Valid only for signals between
system under varying
environmental conditions.
100 MHz and 20 GHz. Assumes
the emitter is on and operating at
peak power. Accounts for ducting.
Battle Group Vulnerability (BGV)
Estimates the emitter vulnerability
Maximum range limited to 541 nmi.
to a specified ESM system. Plots
Valid only for signals between
intercept ranges for surface-to-air,
100 MHz and 20 GHz. Assumes
air-to-air, and air-to-surface
the emitter is on and operating at
geometries. The object is to
peak power. Accounts for ducting
minimize the BG vulnerability to