Table 2-3.TESS (3) Environmental ProgramsContinued
Electronic countermeasure (ECM)
Measures airborne jammer
Does not account for horizontal
Effectiveness Display
effectiveness against surface-based changes in refractivity. Valid only
(victim) radars. Determines
for signals between 100 MHz and
optimum locations and flight paths 20 GHz. Does not consider sea or
of attacking aircraft.
land clutter. Accounts for ducting.
The victim radar must be surface-
Chaff Aids in the planning of chaff usage Does not consider refractive effects.
in tactical air-strike missions and
shipboard defense. Displays chaff
frequency response, optimum chaff
corridors, and recommendations for
chaff defense against cruise
Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR)
Determines the operational ranges
Assumes the environmental data is
System Prediction
of airborne FLIR devices against
representative of the entire search
surface targets.
area. Computed range is for
detection, not categorization.
Under high-visibility and/or dry-air
conditions, predictions are often
farther than the actual detection
Laser Range Prediction (LRP)
Displays range information for
Computes average laser power for a
exposures to low-level laser
1-sec period. No power increase is
radiation. Includes height vs. range computed for magnification effects
and day vs. night calculations.
(e.g., binoculars). Program works
Additionally, displays range vs.
on a wavelength-specific basis. Not
time of exposure for different levels applied to air-to-air cases.
of laser radiation exposure.
Ocean Environmental File (OEF)
Contains recently input and
No significant considerations.
frequently used BT observations,
associated sound speed profiles
(SSPs), passive propagation loss
(PL) curves, and environmental
Sound Speed Profile (SSP)
Computes SSPs for specific ocean
Cautionary use of product with no
Generator conditions. BT data that extends below 200 m.
Ocean Data Analysis (ODA)
Provides automated on-scene
May contain a maximum of 1,000
analysis of ocean thermal structure
observations. Approximately 500
and acoustic properties. Also
observations can be stored on a
displays historical information.
floppy disk. A specific area ranging
Provides methods for displaying
from 0.1° to 20° square can be
historical bottom depth, bottom
analyzed. Analysis can be
loss, and water mass data.
performed on a maximum of 50 BT
observations at a time.