. AIRICE begins the icing analysis at the LCL. In
the case where surface conditions are unstable (LCL is
undefined), the analysis begins at the surface. This
latter condition can yield greater severity in the icing
. The possible icing types displayed are clear,
mixed, rime, or engine induction.
l The possible icing intensities are trace, light,
moderate, or severe.
. The possible icing probabilities displayed are 10,
20,50, and 100 percent.
l The operator has the capability to change the
cloud base height of the level that is displayed. The only
effect that changing the cloud base height has on the
output is to change the icing intensity value. The
radiosonde profile information, icing type, and
probability are not changed.
Table 7-5 shows an example of the AIRICE product.
The analysis may be in either English or metric units.
The display may be shown on two screens if the
sounding has many levels.
In this chapter we have discussed a few of the many
computer and climatological products available to aid
the Aerographers Mate in the analysis and forecasting
of meteorological conditions, thus ensuring
support of surface and airborne operations.
Table 7-5.-Example Output of the AIRICE Product