The restrictions as well as the principles taken for
granted in using the BALWND program areas follows:
. This program requires that the user-selected
radiosonde data set contain an upper wind profile.
. Care must be taken that a radiosonde data set
representative of the area where naval gunfire is to take
place is selected
. Ballistic wind and density correction factors are
output only to the ballistic zone through which a
complete set of environmental data is available.
All output from the BALWND program is classified
and should be labeled as required, The program consists
of the following messages:
. NATO surface-to-air ballistic forecast message.
. NATO surface-to-surface ballistic forecast
. U.S. Navy ballistic forecast
l U.S. Navy ballistic forecast
surface-to-air <16-inch gunfire.
. U.S. Navy ballistic forecast
message for
message for
message for
surface-to-surface 16-inch full-charge gunfire.
l U.S. Navy ballistic forecast message for
surface-to-surface 16-inch reduced-charge gunfire.
forecasts for radiation doses produced by a
nuclear detonation. Identify limitations and
assumptions. Interpret an example output of
the RADFO model, and an example of ATP-45
The RADFO model generates forecasts of the
accumulated radiation dose from fallout produced by
the detonation of a nuclear device. This program
replaces the radiological fallout templates in order to
better assess early fallout from a radioactive cloud.
Output consists of an analysis of accumulated dose
of radioactive energy in roentgens for a user-defined
location, time, and forecast duration. Appropriate
ATP-45 data, such as the radius of the nuclear cloud and
the deposition boundary, are also output.
User-supplied input includes either the yield of the
weapon or the height of the top of the nuclear cloud, the
type of burst (land, sea, or air), the location (latitude and
longitude) of surface zero, a specification of the
prediction period with respect to time zero, and a
specification of the contours to be plotted. The user also
specifies a radiosonde data set, which contains an
upper wind profile that is to be retrieved from the EDFs.
If an applicable upper wind profile is not available, the
user may enter one based on either height or pressure
The RADFO model forecasts a pattern of
accumulated dose of radioactive energy caused by a
specified type of nuclear detonation and dispersed by
upper level winds. The forecast is produced in a timely
manner for the ships captain or staff, and it is used to
determine ship and unit maneuvering to avoid potential
nuclear radiation hazards.
RADFO is used to forecast the pattern of
accumulated dose of radiation caused by nuclear fallout
after the detonation of a nuclear weapon. Care must be
taken to select a radiosonde data set that contains an
upper wind profile representative of the upper winds at
surface zero. Care must also be taken to accurately
estimate either the yield of the nuclear weapon or the
height of the top of the nuclear cloud.
. Meteorological conditions are considered to be
constant for the entire fallout period; no spatial or
temporal variations of the upper wind are taken into
l This model does not assess radiation from other
nuclear phenomena such as the thermal radiation,
electromagnetic effects, or initial nuclear radiation
emitted in the actual fission or fusion process. This
model should only be used as a resource tool to better
assess early fallout from the radioactive cloud. Early
fallout from a radioactive cloud is normally defined as
the fallout that is down within the first 48 hours.
. The RADFO model is meant to be used only for
nuclear detonations that occur near the surface (those