the explosive noise prediction plot. Output from this
program consists of an explosive noise prediction plot
that shows expected noise (dB) against range, sound
speed profiles (total sound speed and speed due to wind)
in the direction of interest with respect to height. Figure
7-7 shows an example of a tabular output of maximum
subsonic aircraft ground speeds with respect to height.
For instance, an aircraft flying at 681 knots at 5,000 feet
with a tailwind, the explosive noise source would be
337° (relative) from the aircraft.
displays for low-level laser radiation. Identify
limitations and assumptions.
The LRP displays range information for exposures
to low-level laser radiation, both height vs. range and by
differences between day and night conditions. The
program also displays range vs. time of exposure for
different levels of exposure to laser radiation.
LRP produces
radiation that could
crewmembers in the
ranges for exposures to laser
be hazardous to aircraft pilots or
line of sight of this radiation.
The restrictions as well as the principles taken for
granted in using the LRP program are as follows:
. This program operates on a wavelength-
specified basis. If the operator selects a wavelength that
is available to the program, then the closest wavelength
will be run for calculations.
l The power is the averaged power for a pulsed
laser that pulses over a l-second period. Data-base
computations select the pulse repetition frequency for
maximum power of a particular radar.
l No power increase is taken into account in the
calculations for the displays due to magnification effects
(for example, binoculars).
. The vertical extent of the transmission models is
7 km in height for gaseous components and 2 km for
aerosol components in the selected environment. This
limits surface-to-surface results and possible outputs to
other displays.
. The Night/Day display assumes one set of eye
apertures for the night/twilight/day exposures.
. This program is not to be applied to air-to-air
cases since the variation of the atmosphere with height
will effectively change the resultant ranges.
The operator specifies a set of laser parameters or
selects a laser from the laser database. The atmosphere
and environment are then specified by the operator.
Output from this program is classified and should be
labeled as required.
BALWND correction factors for U.S. and
NATO gunfire support. Identify limitations and
List the types of forecast
messages produced by the BALWND program.
The BALWND program computes ballistic wind
and density correction factors for U.S. Navy and North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) gunfire support.
Correction factors are produced for the following types
of gunfire: surface-to-surface <16-inch, surface-to-air
>16-inch, surface-to-surface 16-inch full charge, and
surface-to-surface 16-inch reduced full charge.
Ballistic wind and density correction factors are output
in standard U.S. Navy and NATO ballistic message
format. User-specified input includes the duration of
the ballistic forecast and a specification of the
radiosonde data set to be used. The user-specified
radiosonde data set is retrieved from the EDFs and
contains the upper air and upper wind profiles necessary
to produce a ballistic wind and density forecast.
Ballistic correction factors are used by gunfire
support personnel to correct for current or forecast
atmospheric conditions. These correction factors are
required to obtain close hits with initial firings of naval