ACTIVE USWA method for determining the
location and distance of a submarine by measuring
the time interval between the transmission of a
sound signal and its reflection back to the projector.
AEROSOLSSmall droplets (solid or liquid)
suspended in a gas.
AFMEDSAir Force Meteorological Data System.
AFWAAir Force Weather Agency headquartered at
Offutt AFB, NB.
AIGAddress indicator group.
ALGORITHMA step-by-step procedure for solving
a mathematical problem.
ANALOGProportional and continuous. An analog
recorder draws continuous lines proportional to the
electronic signal input.
AORArea of responsibility.
APTAutomatic picture transmission. The automatic
transmission of images by polar-orbiting satellites.
ARQAutomatic response to query. A method of
obtaining data using AFMEDS.
ASOSAutomated surface observing system.
AUTODINAutomatic digital network:
AWNAutomated weather network; the complex
worldwide collection and distribution network of
meteorological data operated by the Air Force.
AZIMUTHThe horizontal angular measurement
from a fixed reference to a point. The navy uses
angular measurements in clockwise degrees from 0
to 360. When 0 is referenced to true north, the result
is a true azimuth bearing. When referenced to an
arbitrary direction, such as the bow of a ship, the
result is a relative azimuth bearing.
BATHYTHERMOGRAPHAny device used to
measure and record temperatures through a column
of water.
BAUDA measurement unit of electronic data
transmission speed.
BTAbbreviation for break transmission, used to
indicate the beginning and end of a message body.
BULLETIN BOARDA communications system
that uses standard telephone lines to dial-in and
access computer networks.
BYTEA group of adjacent binary digits (bits).
CADCollective address designator.
CCTVClosed-circuit television.
CHAFFMaterial (such as strips of foil) ejected into
the air in order to confuse enemy radar devices.
COMSECCommunications security.
CONFIDENTIALClassified information that if
disclosed could be expected to cause damage to
national security.
CPUCentral processing unit of a computer.
CWContinuous wave radio transmission.
DATA BASEA collection of data organized for
rapid search and retrieval by a computer.
DIFAXDigital facsimile.
DMSPDefense meteorological satellite program.
DPVSDistributed plain language verification
DSNDefense switched network, an upgrade and
name change to the automatic voice network
DUCTA layer in the atmosphere that readily traps
electromagnetic energy permitting extended
transmission ranges.
DUCTINGThe process occurring within a duct, also
known as trapping.