TADIXSTactical data information exchange system.
TAFTerminal Aerodrome Forecast.
TOP SECRETClassified information that if
disclosed could cause exceptionally grave damage
to national security.
WANWide area network.
WEBSITEA collection of one or more web pages
created by a person, company, or organization on
the Web.
WEFAXAn acronym for weather facsimile,
specifically the NWS service providing satellite
imagery and graphic products via a geostationary
satellite data broadcast.
UHFUltra-high frequency radio transmission,
WMOWorld meteorological organization.
generally between 300 MHz and 3 GHz.
URLUniform resource locater.
USMTFUnited States message text format.
USWUndersea warfare.
WORLD WIDE WEBThe large hypertext network
of the Internet. Generally refers to the collection of
websites on the Internet and the information that
can be accessed from them.
WPMWords per minute.
VALIDEffective, good.
VHFVery-high frequency radio transmission,
generally between 30 MHz and 300 MHz.
XBTExpendable bathythermograph, usually
referring to the probe that is dropped in the water and
not recovered.