The MIDDS SAND application is used to display
what types of information?
What is the function of the MIDDS FOS module?
A Flight Weather Briefing form (DD-175-1) can
be completed by using which MIDDS
Which MIDDS software application tool can
provide temperature trend graphs for your
primary message traffic system used by the
Navy. Identify the various parts of a standard
Naval message. Identify the publication that
outlines procedures for formatting Naval
messages. Identify the message formatting
software used by the Navy. Interpret and
format a Naval message readdressal. Explain
the term minimize.
The Navy sends thousands of messages each day.
As an Aerographers Mate, you will be required to draft
naval messages. You must be able to recognize the
various parts of a standard Naval message as well as
possess a working knowledge of the message drafting
software used by the Navy.
The primary message traffic system currently used
by the Navy is the Automatic Digital Network
(AUTODIN). As communications technology
continues to develop, this system will be phased out as
the Navy moves to desktop message creation and
transmission. Within the next few years, all message
traffic will be transmitted via an e-mail type system
known as the Defense Message System @MS). The
goal of DMS is to retain the easy-to-use and less
expensive individual messaging capabilities employed
in DOD e-mail systems. This will shift message
handling functions away from manpower intensive
communications centers to the users desktop. The
changeover to DMS will continue through the late
1990s and into the next century.
The Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) is a
joint-use, worldwide, computerized, communications
system. It is managed by the Defense Communications
Agency (DCA). AUTODIN provides for the
transmission of both narrative and graphic data traffic
on a store-and-forward basis. AUTODIN provides
reliable, secure, and efficient communications using
high-speed transmission equipment that incorporates
error detection. Interface equipment translates all input
into common machine language, thereby making
AUTODIN compatible with many computer codes,
speeds, and other media, such as cards and tapes.
The Naval Communications Processing and
Routing System (NAVCOMPARS) is an automated
communications system that serves as the interface
between AUTODIN, other networks ashore, and
operational units of the Navy. AUTODIN traffic is
entered into NAVCOMPARS for distribution.
NAVCOMPARS forwards messages to fleet units and
provides broadcast management and HF or satellite
broadcast keying.
It also provides on-line
communications with the Common User Digital
Information Exchange System (CUDIXS) and the Fleet
Multichannel Broadcast (FMCB).
The Gateguard subsystem is an AUTODIN
Gateway Terminal (AGT) that provides the user a
"gateway" into the AUTODIN system. It essentially
provides secure electronic message service from the
telecommunications center to the users desktop
computer. Gateguard also acts as a security guard
device, hence the name Gateguard. Users may also use
Gateguard to route incoming messages to various
offices via their local area networks (LANs).
As was previously mentioned, AUTODIN will
eventually be phased out in favor of DMS. Many of the
changes will be transparent to the user. The mechanics
of either system do not concern the average weather
observer. The main point is that you understand the
Navy message format.
For message traffic to be properly routed to
intended recipients, message traffic must be properly
formatted. Naval messages are usually composed on
desktop computers using specialized message
composition programs that assist the user in selecting
proper format entries. The software endorsed Navy-
wide is known as Message Text Format (MTF) Editor.
The software assists the user in composing United
States Message Text Formatted (USMTF) messages as
well as non-formatted messages. The software is menu-
driven and allows the user to draft a formatted message
by using a "fill in the blank" template. Within each MTF