TION.This data identifies the sending and receiving
station routing indicators, and the message sequence
This data is usually added by the
telecommunications center entering the message into
NAVCOMPARS, or by the ships communications
office. The third group of the top line indicates the
Julian date and time of transmission. The fourth group
indicates the classification level. The second line of the
header is also a classification indicator.
PRECEDENCE AND DTG.A single letter
identifies the message precedence, which is the
message delivery time objective. Z (flash) means as
fast as possible with an objective of less than 10
minutes, O (immediate) 30 minutes, P (priority) 3
hours, and R (routine) 6 hours. The date-time group is
normally the UTC date (two digits), time (four digits),
three-letter month abbreviation, and two-digit year that
the message was released by the originating command.
The times 0000Z and 2400Z are not used. Instead, use
0001Z or 2359Z. Keep in mind that certain METOC-
related messages must be assigned specific precedence
codes. This information can be found in the United
States Navy Meteorological and Oceanographic
Support System Manual, NAVMETOCCOMINST
ORIGINATOR.After the FM designator, the
command that originated the message is indicated by a
Plain Language Address (PLA) listing, followed by the
originating office code set-off within double slants.
ADDRESSEE. The TO portion of the header
identifies by PLA, specific commands that must act on
the information contained within the message. Instead
of, or in addition to, specific commands, the message
may be addressed to one or more Collective Address
Designators (CADS), or Address Indicating Groups
(AIGs). CADS are made up of predetermined lists of
commands or communities of like interest. CADS may
be as encompassing as ALCOM, a CAD for all
commands (general messages), or limited to just several
commands, such as OCEANO EAST, used to send
weather observation from ships in the Atlantic Fleet to
the Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography
Center in Norfolk and to FNMOC in Monterey. CAD
listings for various types of METOC-related messages
are listed in NAVMETOCCOMINST 3140.1.
An AIG is defined as an address designator
representing a list of specific and frequently recurring
combination of ACTION and/or INFORMATION
addresses. For example, AIG 76 is used by FNMOC to
send message traffic to certain activities concerning
administrative and operational information, as well as
notification of outages.
Most of the PLAs and CADs used within the
Department of Defense are listed by the Distributed
Plain Language Address Verification System (DPVS).
The purpose of DPVS is to provide naval message
originators immediate electronic access to current
single and collective PLA information. It is designed
primarily to be used with the MTF Editor message
preparation program. Updates are sent via BBS,
Internet, and record message.
INFO ADDEE.The INFO portion of the header
identifies PLAs of commands who need the information
provided in the message for information purposes only;
no action is required on their part.
EXEMPT LISTING.If a command normally
included in a CAD should not receive a specific
message, an exempt listing must be included in the
message header immediately following the last action
or info addressee. The exempt listing is identified by
the abbreviation XMT. The PLA for the exempt
command follows the XMT.
TEXT SEPARATOR.The text separator is the
letters BT. This indicates the separation or break
between the heading and the body of a message.
actually apart of the message body, we will consider the
classification and SSIC line to be part of the message
header since this line must be included in all AUTODIN
messages. The classification and SSIC line uses an
identical style in all of the various message formats.
The message classification is entered on a message by
the classification word plus any special handling
instructions. The classification is entered either as
TOP SECRET, with each letter separated by a space.
After the last special handling instructions, the Standard
Subject Identification Code (SSIC) is entered,
bracketed by double slants. For example, //N03145// is
the SSIC for Enroute Weather Forecast (WEAX)
messages. SSIC codes are found in Department of the
Navy File Maintenance Procedures and Standard
Subject Identification Codes (SSIC,), SECNAVINST
The GENADMIN format is used for all
administrative traffic and most outgoing weather
forecast products. Terminal aerodrome forecast (TAF)
messages also follow this format when transmitted via