Figure 1-11.ASOS Data Manager main display window from MIDDS.
minimums, such as ceiling and visibility are reached.
When the Message Format Transmitter (MFT) software
is installed, it will provide templates for surface
observations and TAFs, perform quality control checks
for observations, and automatically transfer
observation data to the AWN and to FNMOD,
Asheville, for archive.
Internet and Bulletin Board Access
MIDDS provides direct dial-in and Internet
connectivity into the Navy Oceanographic Data
Distribution System (NODDS), the Optimum Path
Aircraft Routing System (OPARS), and the Joint
METOC Viewer (JMV). All of these programs
originate at FNMOC and are discussed in detail in
chapter 2 of this module.
The Geophysics Fleet Mission Program Library
(GFMPL) is a software library that provides
meteorological, electromagnetic, oceanographic,
hazard avoidance, and acoustic support for fleet
operations. MIDDS includes the "Unclassified"
portion of GFMPL integrated into a Windows NT
format. Certain electromagnetic assessment
parameters are omitted from the standard GFMPL
modules available in the classified version. Some of the
GFMPL programs that are available include tidal
prediction, tropical cyclone track, and surf prediction.
An on-line users guide is available with the MIDDS.
The GFMPL program is discussed in detail in chapter 2
of this module.
What are the primary functions of MIDDS?
Q19. What is the purpose of the MIDDS Fusion
Generator module?
What products are acquired by using the MIDDS
Dial RX receiver?