The respective fleet commanders in chief
instructions regarding inspection of afloat units contain
recommended inspection guide lists. These guide lists
should be used by the inspecting officer to ensure
standardization. Advance preparation of these guide
lists by those units being inspected is not required, but
an advance review of the areas will be of benefit to
facilitate inspection of the units operation and
When requested by inspection authorities,
COMNAVMETOCCOM will direct regional activities
to provide METOC officers to serve as inspecting
In this chapter, we first discussed command
administrative functions. Those administrative
functions addressed were the monthly Meteorological
Bathythermograph Observation Records, when
required. Facets of the annual Meteorological Station
and Description Report were then discussed. The last
topic discussed under administrative functions was that
of Special Incident (OPREP-3 and UNIT SITREP)
Procedures, with background information, purpose, and
reporting criteria addressed. The remaining portion of
this chapter dealt with command training functions. We
discussed the intent and the requirement for Instrument
Ground School. Next, was a discussion on the
requirement for the preparation of local area forecasters
handbooks and their value. We then presented various
publications and documents that should be reviewed by
METOC personnel prior to operations/exercises,
including, the U.S. Navy Oceanographic and
Meteorological Support System Manual, various
METOC bulletins, OPORDs, and climatology
publications. Finally, we discussed the Naval
Meteorology and Oceanography Command training and
certification program, and the technical inspections of
afloat units.