Chapter 9
Fleet Oceanographic and Acoustic Reference Manual, RP 33, Naval
Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, MS, 1989.
Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution System Products Manual,
FLENUMOCEANCEN Instruction 3147.1, Fleet Numerical
Oceanography Center, Monterey, CA, 1993.
Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution System Users Manual, Fleet Numerical
Oceanography Center, Monterey, CA, 1993.
Chapter 10
Composite Warfare Oceanographic Support Modules (CWOSM) (Part 1),
Training Manual TM 04-92, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space
Center, MS, 1992.
Fleet Oceanographic and Acoustic Reference Manual, RP 33, Stennis Space
Center, MS, 1989.
Meteorology Today, 4th cd., C. Donald Ahrens, West Publishing, St. Paul MN,
Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution System (NODDS), Version 3.1, Users
Manual, Commanding Officer, Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center,
Monterey, CA, 1993.
O p t i m u m P a t h A i r c r a f t R o u t i n g S y s t e m , U s e r s M a n u a l ,
FLENUMOCEANCENINST 3710.1B, Fleet Numerical Oceanography
Center, Monterey, CA, 1990.
Procedures Governing Flight Weather Briefings and Preparing DD Form 175-1
and U.S. Navy Flight Forecast Folder, NAVOCEANCOM Instruction
3140.14C, Stennis Space Center, MS, 1993.
Operator's Manual, Tactical Environmental Support System (TESS (3)) and
Shipboard Meteorological and Oceanographic Observing System (SMOOS),
NAVELEXCEN VJO 14203-0302428A, Vallejo, CA, 1993.
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) Code, NAVOCEANCOM Instruction
3143.1E, Commander, Naval Oceanography Command, Stennis Space
Center, MS, 1993.
U.S. Navy Oceanographic & Meteorological Support System Manual,
NAVOCEANCOMINST 3140.1J, Commander, Naval Oceanography
Command, Stennis Space Center, MS, 1991.