All METOC units will prepare the Meteorological
Station and Description Report, CNMOC Form 3140/5
(Report Symbol 3140-7). See figure 14-3. Instructions
are found on the back of the form. The report is to be
mailed annually by the 25th of January, or anytime unit
instrumentation, or its location, is changed The report
reflects current station instrumentation as of 1 January
of the year submitted.
NOTE: CNMOC Form 3140/5 will be replaced by
a new digital form CNMOC Form 3140/1 DF, Station
Information File, during 1995.
Anew form, CNMOC Form 3140/3DF, Upper Air
Termination Log, will also go into effect during 1995
(figure 14-4).
This form will be used to track
termination heights that are used in compilation of
monthly and semiannual station quality control reports.
The accuracy of studies derived from
environmental observations are, to a large extent,
dependent on correct documentation describing
instruments and sensors, exposures, location, height
above the ground, orographic features surrounding the
station, and other pertinent remarks regarding sensor
performance. Instructions for completing the form and
for mailing are found on the form.
Along with paper copies of upper air soundings,
digital sounding data on floppy diskettes are to be
submitted to FLENUMMETOC DET Asheville as well.
The entire sounding is needed during downloading to
floppy diskette, including the load sonde program (the
header page), the environmental data, and the TEMP,
and LIST outputs. Be sure to write prefect the disk.
The instruction, Special Incident Reporting
(OPREP-3 and UNIT SITREP) Procedures,
COMNAVMETOCCOMINST 3100.2, requires that all
METOC units file an OPREP-3 or UNIT SITREP as
Figure 14-4.-CNMOC Form 3140/3DF, Upper Air Termination Log.