. Storms developing on the eastern edge of polar
troughs initially move up the trough.
. Pacific storms forming on equatorial shearlines
usually are most active in the southern and southwestern
portions at the start and they move slowly northeast.
After 1 to 2 days, the influence of the trades becomes
dominant and the storms turn back toward a direction
ranging from west to north. (This appears to be true
mainly for cyclones deepening near or west of 130°E.)
l If a storm is discovered without information as
to its past movement and the upper air current, it is best
to start it along the climatological mean track and then
secure the data necessary to determine the steering
At present, the most practical prognostic technique
used by the tropical meteorologist consists of
extrapolating the past movement of the synoptic
features on his or her chart into the future. The past track
of a cyclone represents the integrated effects of the
steering forces acting upon it. Accelerations and
changes in course are the results of the changes in these
steering forces.
The effect of these forces can be
examined and extrapolated directly from the past
position of the cyclone.
Before applying the extrapolation technique, the
forecaster must attempt to smooth out the minor
irregularities in the past track. The first step in the use
of extrapolation is to determine the mean direction and
speed of the cyclonic center between each two known
positions. The next step is to determine the rate of
change indirection and speed between successive pairs
of fixes. The forecast position thus determined from
extrapolation of movement should be smoothed out for
minor irregularities and compared to the applicable
climatological tracks of cyclones in the area. If large
differences exist, the forecast should be completely
reexamined. The climatological tracks should receive
less weight for short-term forecasts of 6 to 12 hours and
more weight for forecasts in excess of 24 hours.
For short-term forecasts (6 to 12 hours),
extrapolation is as reliable as any known method for
The movement of a tropical cyclone is determined
to a large extent by the direction and speed of the basic
current in which it is embedded. This concept appears
to work well as long as the cyclone remains small and
remains in a deep broad current. By the time a tropical
cyclone has reached hurricane intensity, these
conditions seldom exist. It then becomes necessary to
integrate the winds at all levels through which the
cyclone extends and in all quadrants of the storm to
determine the effective steering current. Although the
principle is not fully understand and has not yet received
universal acceptance as a valid rule, it does have
practical applications. For example, changes in winds
atone or more levels in the area surrounding the cyclone
can sometimes be anticipated, and in such cases, a
qualitative estimate of the resulting change in the
movement of the cyclone can be made. Conversely,
when it appears likely that none of the winds in the
vicinity of the cyclone will change appreciably during
the forecast period, no change in the direction and speed
of movement should be anticipated.
Further, this rule applies to situations of
nonrecurvature and only some cases of recurvature. It
is difficult to determine the steering current, since the
observed winds represent the combined effects of the
basic current and disturbances. As most storms extend
into the high troposphere, it is better to calculate a
steering layer than a steering level, since presumably
the wind throughout most of the troposphere influences
the storm movement. One writer recommends an
integration of the mean flow between the surface and
300 hPa, over a band 8° in latitude centered over the
storm. Another writer indicates that for moderate and
intense storms the best hurricane steering winds would
be found in the layer between 500 and 200 hPa and
averaged over a ring extending from 2° to 6° latitude
from the storm center.
AVERAGES. Other practical applications of the
steering concept to short-range tropical cyclone motion
use differing approaches in attempting to measure the
basic current.
One is by streamline analysis of
successive levels to find a height at which the vertical
circulation diminishes to a point such that the winds are
supposedly representative of the undisturbed flow.
Another method is to take vector averages of
reconnaissance winds near the zone of strongest winds
in the storm.
sufficient data are available, it has been found that the
use of streamline analysis of successive levels usually
gives valuable indications of tropical storm movement
for as much as 24 hours in advance. However, since
wind observations are usually scarce in the vicinity of a