etages, cloud genera, cloud species, and cloud varieties
used to identify clouds. To improve your understanding
of the many cloud types, be sure to locate the specific
classification of each cloud in table 1-1 during the
following discussion.
Cloud Variety
In the 27 states-of-the-sky, many of the differences
between different cloud-states are not based solely on
genera, but on a combination of the genera, species, and
variety. Cloud variety identifies the specific
appearance of the arrangement of elements within a
cloud layer, the thickness of the layer, or the presence of
multiple layers. The nine different cloud varieties are
used to further identify cloud species by specific
The variety name is appended after the
species name to further identify a cloud. An example is
stratus nebulosus opaqus, which is a low-etage
stratiform cloud (genus, stratus) without distinct
features (species, nebulosus) but dense enough to
obscure the sun (variety, opaqus). State-of-the-sky
codes usually do not name the cloud variety, but give a
description of the dominant cloud genus, species, and
variety. The nine varieties in table 1-1 are defined as
Opaqus: A sheet, layer, or patch of clouds the
greater part of which is sufficiently dense to obscure
the sun or moon. Opaqus is used to modify low- and
mid-etage stratiform cloud layers, particularly those
of the species stratiformis. It is not used with the
species cirrus spissatus, since spissatus is inherently
Perlucidus: Clouds of the genus alto- or
stratocumulus, usually of the species stratiformis, in
which the distinct spaces between the cloud elements
allow blue sky, the sun, moon, stars, or higher clouds to
be clearly seen.
Translucidus: A sheet, layer, or patch of clouds
the greater part of which is sufficiently translucent to
reveal the position of the sun or moon. The term is used
to modify low- and mid-etage stratiform cloud layers,
particularly those of the species stratiformis. It is not
used with any of the high-etage cloud names, since
these clouds are inherently translucent.
Duplicatus: Two or more sheets, layers, or
patches of cloud of similar type at different levels in the
atmosphere, commonly overlapping. This situation is
usually associated with the species fibratus, uncinus,
stratiformis, and lenticularis.
Undulatus: Elements or cells in a sheet, layer,
or patch of clouds arranged in parallel rows and forming
a wavelike pattern similar to swell waves in the ocean.
The popular names for these cloud patterns are "billow
clouds," "wind row clouds," and "wave clouds." This
wavelike pattern is principally found in the genera
cirrocumulus, altocumulus, altostratus, and
stratocumulus, but is rarely associated with stratus.
When distinct rows and columns are apparent in the
pattern of cloud elements in a single layer, the term bi-
undulatus may be used.
Radiatus: A cloud pattern, similar to undulatus,
in which cloud elements in the rows are merged together
so that parallel bands of clouds are formed. Due to the
effect of perspective, these straight parallel bands seem
to merge together near the horizon. The popular name
for this cloud pattern is Abraham's Tree. This pattern is
frequently associated with the genera cirrus,
altocumulus, altostratus, and stratocumulus, and
usually associated with the species stratiformis.
Lacunosus: A cloud pattern in which the
rounded holes between the clouds form a honeycomb or
netlike pattern is the dominant feature. The clouds may
be equated to the wax of a honeycomb or the cord in a
net. This pattern is associated with the genera
cirrocumulus and altocumulus, and is usually used to
further define the species stratiformis, castellanus, or
Intortus: Associated only with the genus cirrus,
this term is used when the cirrus fibers or filaments are
entangled, curved, bent and irregular, or form a zig-zag
Vertebratus: Associated mainly with the genus
cirrus, this term is used when the cloud fibers extend
outward from an elongated central core and are
suggestive of vertebrae, ribs, or a fish skeleton.
Supplementary Features
Clouds may also be identified by the presence of
supplementary cloud features. Supplementary cloud
features are specific portions of a larger cloud. Most
supplementary features are associated with
cumulonimbus clouds. Virga, tuba (funnel clouds,
tornadoes, waterspouts), incus (anvil tops), arcus (roll
clouds), wall clouds, mamma (formerly called
mammatus), pileus, velum, and pannus are all
supplementary features of cumulonimbus clouds.
Virga may also be associated with many cumuliform
clouds, and pannus with nimbostratus clouds. Cloud