A1. OPNAVINST 5510.1, Department of the Navy Information and Personnel Security
Program Regulation.
A2. For Official Use Only.
A3. Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals.
A4. A record slip or log entry must be made. In addition, official authorization maybe
A5. The STU-III is a secure telephone system that provides protection of vital and
sensitive information.
A6. Internet links allow a user to download another document into their computer
simply by clicking on an on-screen "link" from the current document.
A7. Servers direct Internet traffic to its proper destination.
A8. The abbreviation ".MIL" will appear as an extension at the end of the URL.
A10. METOC-related military websites usually contain information on command
history, mission, as well asprovide access to various environmental products.
A11. The individuals name and host identifier.
A12. The AWN is a system that collects and disseminates environmental data and other
aviation-related information via satellite and landline circuits.
A13. FNMOD Tinker, Oklahoma.
A14. Automatic Response Query (ARQ).
A15. The TT indicator of a MANOP header is used to identify message content. The AA
indicator is used to identify the region for which the data is valid.
A16. NOTAMS report items of interest to aviators, such as temporary or permanent
runway closures, radar, communications, guidancesystem outages, or changes in
facilities available at an airfield.
A17. DIFAX products are copied by using an 18-inch satellite dish antenna.
A18. MIDDS acts as an environmental workstation, a briefing station, and a method of
distributing METOC products.
A19. The MIDDS Fusion Generator allows you to overlay various products using
different backgrounds and color schemes. Alphanumeric products can also be
fused with other geo-referenced products.