Operator maintenance on the equipment is limited
to changing paper and printer ribbons. Instructions are
provided on the inside of the printer case. Radiomen
and Electronics Technicians perform all other
Detailed operator instructions are contained in
Operator and Maintenance Instructions Teleprinter Set
an/UGC-143A(Y). Specific instructions on the use of
special message function keys and composing
messages for teletype (or radioteletype) transmission
are contained in Communications Instructions,
Teletypewriter (Teleprinter) Procedures, ACP-126.
When patching antenna jacks on the AN/SRA-12,
which patch must be connected first?
What are the two basic types of shipboard radio
Q55. How should a properly tuned signal appear on
the CRT window of the CV-483/URA-I7
Q56. What are the two basic types of shipboard
teleprinters in use?
In this chapter, we have discussed many of the high-
speed landline, satellite, and HP radio communications
systems currently in use. We have also discussed much
of the specialized equipment used as terminals on these
communications systems. The specific
communications systems and equipment available for
use varies greatly from shore stations to ships.
Although the systems currently in use are dramatically
different and far more technologically advanced than
the systems used only 10 years ago, we will see many
more changes occurring as newer technology is
introduced through early next century.