Figure 2-29.WSR-88D Principal User Processor (PUP).
Two 19" color/graphic monitors that are used to
display products in full or 1/4 screen mode.
A graphic tablet and "puck" that are the primary
input devices used to make product selections or request
actions of the PUP processor. The graphic tablets
surface is flat and is organized as color-coded work
areas. The puck is a mouse-like device that acts as a
hand-held pointer to invoke desired processor
A color/graphics printer that provides hard
copies on demand.
A processor that computes or executes user
commands (such as zooming, roaming, displaying
maps or overlays, and implementing time-lapse loops of
products). It also lets you annotate (write, or draw on)
products to highlight features such as fronts. The
processor also executes special product requests and
forwards them to the RPG. The PUP processor is
housed in a cabinet much like the RPG but its other
components resemble a computer workstation.
A system console alphanumeric terminal that is
usually located in close proximity to the PUP work
space. It consists of a monochrome monitor and
keyboard. The system console controls the processor by
invoking hardware and software commands that affect
PUP functions. It also receives alphanumeric products
or messages that are not displayed on the graphic
The UCP is the fourth major component required
to complete a WSR-88D system. Because of its
function, the UCP is regarded as the radars central