pictured in figure 2-26. These components, together
with the antenna, make up the RDA. Only a single
RDA exists for each system.
ANTENNA.The WSR-88D uses a 28-ft dish-
shaped antenna to focus radar energy along a
concentrated beam. This same antenna is used to
receive backscattered energy from targets and
atmospheric scatterers.
PEDESTAL.A cast aluminum structure that
secures the antenna to the top of a 98-ft steel tower. The
pedestal controls antenna movement with pinpoint
accuracy. It rotates the antenna continuously at a
maximum speed of 5 revolutions per minute and
automatically changes elevation angles in
predetermined increments.
RADOME. A spherical cover that protects the
antenna. Made of rigid fiberglass, the radome
measures about 39 ft in diameter and resembles a giant
golf ball. Its design inhibits ice and snow buildup.
Figure 2-27 shows the antenna, pedestal, and radome.
Figure 2-26.WSR-88D Radar Data Acquisition (RDA).