direct-readout imagery. The system can also receive
WEFAX imagery, but cannot command a data
download of stored HRPT data. The AN/SMQ-11
produces imagery on dry-silver film (which requires
no chemicals for development), or by using a high-
resolution laser printer.
Figure 1-24 shows the two AN/SMQ-11
equipment cabinets that are installed inside the
workspaces. Each AN/SMQ-11 is equipped with a
Tactical Advanced Computer, Version Four (TAC-4),
that includes a workstation, color monitor, an
uninterruptible power supply, and a power distribution
unit. The ANLSMQ-11B has a dual frequency array
antenna (figure 1-25) and is normally installed on a
rooftop ashore. Some systems are equipped with a
multi-frequency array antenna (ANLSMQ-11C). The
shipboard version of the AN/SMQ-11 contains
additional circuits for control and stabilization of the
antenna to compensate for ship motions. Operation of
the ANISMQ-11 is described in detail in NAVAIR 50-
30SMQ-11, Organizational Maintenance with
Illustrated Parts Breakdown, Receiver/Recorder Set,
Meteorological Data, AN/SMQ-11. This manual
includes operator instructions.
At most sites, the AN/SMQ-11 satellite receiver
system is cross connected to the Tactical
Environmental Support System (TESS). Imagery
received by the AN/SMQ-11 may be "called into" the
TESS terminal for processing, display, and analysis.
Additionally, much of the operation and control of the
AN/SMQ-11 can be performed through the TESS
The directional antenna of the AN/SMQ-11
system must be aimed at the satellites to receive either
direct-readout imagery or GOES and WEFAX
broadcasts. The aiming operation is performed
automatically by the system, provided the ephemeris
data has been entered properly for each polar-orbiting
satellite, and the position data has been updated for the
geostationary satellites.
The Interim Mobile Oceanography Support
System (IMOSS) is a combination of three
A. Electronic Cabinet CY-8839/SMQ-11
F. Data Security Equipment KG-44/TSEC
B. Receiver-Demodulator R-2590/SMQ-11
G. Electronic Cabinet CY-8838/SMQ-11
C. Antenna Control C-l1933(P)/SMC-11
H. Power Distribution Control Assembly C-12539/SMQ-11
D. Television Monitor TV-4/SMQ-11
I. Printer Assembly PT-566/SMQ-11
E. Processor Computer CP-2368/SMQ-11
J. Uninterruptible Power Supply Assembly PP-8467/SMQ-11
Figure 1-24.AN/SMQ-11 equipment cabinets.