Figure 2-31.AN/PMQ-3 hand-held anemometer.
flowing over the edge of the deck and wind combings
will give inaccurate wind speed and direction. It is best
to aim the sights of the AN/PMQ-3 toward the bow on a
line parallel to the centerline of the ship.
Hold the instrument at arms length and in a vertical
position, with the indicator at or slightly above eye
level, and align the sights with the true north reference
or the bow of the ship (fig. 2-32). Depress the vane
unlocking trigger to release the wind vane, and, at the
same time, observe the indicated wind speed.
Activate the low-speed, range-selecting
switch on the side of the casing on the newer
models, or on the handle of the older models
only if the wind speed is less than 15 knots. The
indicator will be damaged if the switch is
activated during higher winds.
Release the vane unlocking trigger when the wind
Figure 2-32.Aerographers Mate using the AN/PMQ-3 on the
vane yields a representative wind direction, and read the
flight deck during flight operations. Note that hearing
wind direction on the wind vane azimuth circle.
protection and a helmet are worn.