LEARNING OBJECTIVES: List three types of
wind-measuring instruments and describe the
operation and maintenance of each type.
information will be displayed on the SMOOS display
terminal. The reliable AN/PMQ-3 hand-held
anemometer is expected to be kept as a backup system
for a very long time.
Three types of certified wind-measuring systems or
anemometers are widely used throughout the Navy and
Marine Corps. These are the AN/UMQ-5 wind-
measuring set, used at shore locations; the Type B-3
wind-measuring system, used aboard ships; and the
backup, hand-held AN/UMQ-3 anemometer. All of
these systems are used to accurately measure wind
speed, in knots, and to indicate the direction from which
the wind is blowing.
The AN/UMQ-5 system is being replaced by the
new sensors and transmitters in the ASOS equipment
package. The shipboard Type B-3 system sensors and
The basic equipment of the AN/UMQ-5 has
changed very little since its introduction to the fleet in
the late 1940s. However, there have been several
modifications that added equipment to the system and
updated the electronics. The newest modification is the
AN/UMQ-5(D), introduced in 1959. A typical system
is shown in figure 2-24. A single system may use one or
more ML-400/UMQ-5 transmitters, and drive up to six
different indicators or recorders. The primary recorder
is the RD-108/UMQ-5. ID-300/UMQ-5 indicators and
ID-586/UMQ-5 indicators are frequently used with the
transmitters will continue to be used although the
Figure 2-24.AN/UMQ-5 wind-measuring set.