to 16,000 feet, and there was dry air above at 500-hPa
(approximately 18,000 feet), you wouldnt suspect,
from the 500hPa analysis, the existence of clouds
below the 500-hPa level.
However, an analysis of the extension of the moist
layers in three dimensions can be obtained simply by
scrutinizing individual RAOBs. Those selected should
be in the general vicinity of, and the area 500 to 1,200
miles upstream of, the area of interest, depending on the
forecast period. The heights of the bases and tops can
be indicated, though there is little advantage in
indicating a dry layer 2,000 to 3,000 feet thick
sandwiched between thicker moist layers. Usually, it is
sufficient to indicate the entire moist layer, without
bothering about any finer stratums. A survey of the
cloud field is made easier by writing the heights of the
bases and tops in different colors.
A moist layer for the sake of simplicity may be
defined as a layer having a frost point depression of 3°C
or less (i.e., a dewpoint depression of 4°C at 10°C; 5°C
at -20°C; 6°C at 30°C).
The type and intensity of precipitation observed at
the surface is related to the thickness of the cloud aloft,
and particularly to the temperatures in the upper portion
of the cloud.
The results of a study relating cloud-top
temperatures to precipitation type and intensity are as
. From aircraft ascents through stratiform clouds,
along with simultaneous surface observations of
precipitation, it was found that 87 percent of the cases
where drizzle occurred, it fell from clouds whose
cloud-top temperatures were warmer than 5°C. The
frequency of rain or snow increased markedly when the
cloud-top temperature fell below 12°C.
l When continuous rain or snow fell, the
temperature of the coldest part of the cloud was below
12°C in 95 percent of the cases.
l Intermittent rain was mostly associated with cold
cloud-top temperatures.
. When intermittent rain was reported at the
surface, the cloud-top temperature was colder than
12°C in 81 percent of the cases, and colder than 20°C
in 63 percent of the cases. From this, it appears that
when minor snow (continuous or intermittent) reaches
the ground from stratiform clouds, the clouds (solid or
layered) extend in most cases to heights where the
temperature is well below 12°C, or even 20°C.
This rule cannot be reversed. When rain or snow is
not observed at the surface, middle clouds may well be
present in regions where the temperature is below -12°C
or 20°C. Whether or not precipitation reaches the
ground will depend on the cloud thickness, height of the
cloud base, and the dryness of the air below the base.
Cirrus clouds form at temperatures of 40°C or
colder. At these temperatures, as soon as the air is
brought to saturation, the condensate immediately
freezes. The ice crystals often descend in altitude
slowly, to levels that have air temperatures of 30°C,
and persist if the humidity below the formation level is
high enough to support saturation. In general, cirrus
clouds are found in layers that are saturated, or
supersaturated, with respect to ice at temperatures
colder than 0°C.
Cirrus, or cirriform clouds, are divided into three
general groups:
cirrus (proper), cirrostratus, and
cirrocumulus. Cirrus clouds, detached or patchy,
usually do not create a serious operational problem.
Cirrostratus and extensive cirrus haze, however, may be
troublesome in high-level jet operations, aerial
photography, interception, rocket tracking, and guided
missile navigational systems. Therefore, a definite
requirement for cirrus cloud forecasting exists.
The initial formation of cirrus clouds normally
requires that cooling take place to saturation, and to have
temperatures near 40°C. Under these conditions,
water droplets are first formed, but most of them
immediately freeze. The resulting ice crystals persist as
long as the humidity remains near saturation with
respect to ice. There is some evidence that the speed of
the cooling, and the kind and abundance of freezing
nuclei, may have an important effect on the form and
occurrence of cirrus clouds. Slow ascent starts
crystallization at humidities substantially below
saturation; this is presumably the case in extensive
cirrostratus clouds associated with warm frontal
altostratus clouds. If slow ascent occurs in air that has
insufficient freezing nuclei, a widespread haze may
result, which at 30° to 40°C is predominantly
composed of water droplets. In the case of more rapid