Figure 4-20.-Surface fronts, areas of continuous precipitation, areas covered by 8/8 middle clouds, and isolines of 500-hPa
dewpoint depression at 0300 UTC, 7 September 1995.
precipitation, and also of the larger areas of overcast
compared and, by cross-checking, each can be
middle clouds.
completed with greater accuracy than if they were done
Since the 500-hPa level dewpoint depression
analysis agrees well with the surface analysis of middle
cloud and precipitation, the possibility exists of
replacing or supplementing one of these analyses with
the other.
Using a single level (for example, the 500-hPa level
The characteristics of the 500-hPa level dewpoint
dewpoint depression analysis) to find probable cloud
depression analysis, outlined above, make it a valuable
areas does not indicate clouds above or below that level.
adjunct to the surface analysis. These analyses can be
For example, if the top of a cloud system reached only