5-41.Which of the following statementsis valid regarding the GFMPL“Surge” program?1.It provides a “worst case”forecast2.The program is available forthe Pacific Ocean basin only3.If a coastal station ofinterest is not one of the menuoptions, you may not inputcharacteristics manually4.The estimated peak storm surgeoutput is a function ofcoastline characteristics only5-42.The publication EnvironmentalEffects on Weapon’s Systems andNaval Warfare, (S) , RP1, containsinformation on ASW, SEW, ASUW, AAW,and STW warfare.1.True2.False5-43.In what manner may an increase inwater depth degrade bottom mineeffectiveness?1.By decreasing the actuationwidth of the mine2.By increasing the actuationwidth of the mine3.By increasing the damage widthof the mine4.By increasing mine burial uponimpact5-44.Subsurface current speed isimportant in MIW operations forwhich of the following reasons?1.Decreased subsurface currentspeeds may result in scouringof mines2.Decreased subsurface currentspeeds may result in mine dip3.Decreased subsurface currentspeeds may increase ambientnoise4.“Mine walking” may occur5-45.Which of the following statementsregarding MIW is accurate?1.Bottom scattering is dependenton grazing angle2.Bottom sediment has no effecton MIW operations3.The weight of a mine affectsthe “plastic flow”4.Burial has significant impacton magnetic moored mines5-46.5-47.5-48.5-49.5-50.5-51.Which of the following parametersis NOT a significant factor in MIWoperations?1.The clarity of the water2.The salinity of the water3.The depth of the water4.BioluminescenceThe acronym “CATF” stands for whatofficer?1.Commander, Allied Task Force2.Commander, Amphibious TroopForce3.Commander, Amphibious TaskForce4.Commander, Amphibious FlotillaOA division personnel should testthe adequacy of support and supporttiming during what phase of anamphibious operation?1.The Planning phase2.The Rehearsal phase3.The Movement phase4.The Assault phaseWhen does the assault phase of anAMW operation begin?1.When troops first reach thebeach2.When amphibious vehicles debarkthe ships for the beach3.When troops man amphibiousvehicles4.When the task force firstreaches the amphibiousobjective area (AOA)What is the single most importantenvironmental parameter inamphibious assaults?1.The deep water wave height2.The swell wave period3.The modified surf index4.The littoral currentWhich of the following statementsis valid regarding offshorecurrents?1.Tidal currents are notcategorized as offshorecurrents2.Offshore currents are foundoutside the surf zone3.Offshore currents are generatedby waves breaking over sandbars4.Offshore currents includelittoral currents34
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