to section 10 of the technical manual, Operation
Instructions Principal User Processor (PUP)
Group/Doppler Meteorological Radar.
In this chapter, we first discussed nondoppler radar
and the effects of wavelength and frequency on radar
performance. Next we looked at wavelengths for
weather and cloud detection radars followed by an
examination of radar beam characteristics. A discussion
of the development of Doppler radar was then presented,
followed by an overview of the systems characteristics
and many benefits.
Some problems associated with
Doppler radar were also discussed. The last section of
this chapter dealt with principles of the Weather
Surveillance Radar (WSR-88D), including alert areas
and thresholds, data access, user functions, status and
alerts, and the archiving of data.
The practical training publications, The WSR-88D
System Concepts, KWXN-1003, and WSR-88D
Products, KWXN-1004, produced by the United States
Air Force Training School, Keesler Air Force Base,
Mississippi, offer additional guidance and technical
reference for the WSR-88D system, concepts, and