movement of a storm associated with the phenomena)
and requires a complete volume scan..
To enter the alert you first determine which of the
three alert thresholds groups correspond to the
geographically based alert area(s) you are considering.
The following section will deal with the editing of
products, annotations, maps, and alert areas.
Edit/Send Radar Coded Messages (RCM)
In general, there are two types of RCM products
sent out by the RPG. One type is the operational RCM,
which is called the post-edit alphanumeric RCM. This
RCM is available to all PUPS and is displayed only on
the alphanumeric terminal via the Display menu. It is
requested from the RPG either via the Display menu or
the RPS list. This is an alphanumeric-only product that
may have already undergone editing at the PUP and
been returned to the RPG for distribution.
The other type of RCM is the pre-edit version to be
edited by one designated PUP per NEXRAD unit.
There is adaption data at the PUP which specifies
whether the PUP is designated for editing of the pre-edit
version of the RCM. This is called the Edit RCM flag.
It is located on the RCM Parameter edit screen which is
accessible from the Extended Adaption Data menu,
which, itself, is accessible via password from the
Adaption Data menu. The RPG also has adaption data
which specifies which PUP in the NEXRAD unit is
designated to receive, edit, and return the pre-edit
version of RCM. This adaption data must match the
PUP adaption data as to who is to do the RCM editing.
Generation/Distribution of Free Text Messages
Any PUP can generate free text messages (FTM)
and distribute them to other users. Only RPG OP can
distribute messages to the RPG. While the message is
being generated, it is called a PUP text message (PTM).
This generated PTM is known as a FTM by the RPG
after it is distributed. When messages are received from
any RPG, they are considered FTMs.
Edit/Send Product Annotations (Graphic)
Product annotations for graphic products are
overlays. These annotations can be selected for display
by default whenever the annotated product is displayed
using the Overlay Associations edit screen. A PUP or
RPG OP can annotate any graphic product Only an
RPG OP can send a products annotation to the RPG.
When an annotation is generated for a particular
product, the annotations are associated with only that
one specific version of the product. After generation via
the graphic screen, a graphic products annotation can
be distributed to the RPG by using an alphanumeric
terminal command listed on the Gen and Distribute
Products menu. Once the annotations are sent to the
RPG, the RPG may distribute the anntated product to
the PUPS, and the Other Users on its distribution list.
Edit Background Maps
To enable the editing of background maps, the
System Option Command (P)ASSWORD, (E)DIT
MAPS, (E)NABLE must have been selected previously
(since the last PUP restart).
There are two versions of both the low- and
high-detail maps; the original (which cannot be altered)
and the modified (the latest edited version).
Edit Alert Areas and Alert Categories
There are two separate alert areas that are definable
by each PUP for the NEXRAD unit coverage area via
the graphic tablet and on one of the graphic screens. The
other graphic screen will operate normally during this
Alert areas 1 and 2 are separate overlays displayable
with products. When a product is displayed with an alert
area overlay, only the included alert boxes are displayed.
Each alert area has its own set of up to 10 alert
categories associated with it. These categories describe
the types of alerts and the threshold level numbers that
trigger alerts.
Section 12 of the technical manual, Operation
Instructions Principal User Processor (PUP)
Group/Doppler Meteorological Radar contains
detailed guidance on editing/sending of RCMs,
generation/distribution of FTMs, editing/sending
product annotations (graphic), editing background
maps, and editing of alert areas and alert categories.
User function operations provides a way for the
operator to predefine up to 31 normal PUP operator
selections into a single user function. Upon subsequent
selection of a user function for execution, each of its
predefine selections is performed in sequence, as