The tasks of the Aerographer have expanded
tremendously in recent years. Aerographers provide
on-scene commanders with a multitude of forecast aids
that greatly influence the success of surface and airborne
In this chapter we will discuss various
computer-generated products that support the planning
and execution of successful surface and land-based
operations. We will be describing TESS 3 products that
are useful as tactical decision aids, but other products of
benefit as tactical decision aids may be found in the
Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution System
(NODDS) Products Manual, the Naval Integrated
Tactical Environmental Sub-System (NITES), the
National Oceanography Data Distribution Exchange
System (NODDES), and the Joint Maritime Combat
Information System (JMCIS).
The intent of this chapter is to provide the forecaster
with an introduction to forecaster aids. The
applications, limitations, assumptions, and functional
descriptions of various aids to the forecaster will be
discussed. For operator guidelines, functional
descriptions, and technical references refer to the
respective operators manual or NAVMETOCCOM
First, we will discuss computer-generated aids that
are referenced in the Tactical Environmental Support
System (TESS (3)) and Shipboard Meteortological and
Oceanographic Observing System (SMOOS)
Operators Manuals.
effectiveness display parameters. Recognize
optimum locations and flight paths. Identify
applications, limitations, and assumptions.
Analyze an example output display.
This program provides the capability to determine
the optimum locations and flight paths of attack and
tactical jamming aircraft by evacuating the effectiveness
of a jamming device against a victim radar (user
specified) under given atmospheric conditions.
Mission planners use this program to determine
optimum placement, and ECM outputs are also used to
prepare aircrew briefs.
The ECM effectiveness display program provides
airborne jammer effectiveness against surface-based
radars. Signal strength is calculated and displayed with
respect to height for five equally spaced ranges. Input
to the program consists of the victim radar and jammer
of interest and a refractivity data set from the refractivity
data file (RDF).
The victim radar and jamming characteristics are
entered/edited using the platform and jammer options,
respectively, from the electromagnetic system file
(EMFILE). The refractivity data are entered via the
Environmental Status option of the electromagnetic
(EM) propagation suite of programs.
The restrictions as well as the principles taken for
granted in using the ECM program areas follows:
. The ECM program assumes horizontal
homogeneity of the atmosphere (horizontal changes in
the refractivity structure of the atmosphere are not
accounted for).
l The use of this program is valid only for radars
and jammers with frequencies between 100 MHz and
20 GHz.
. Effects produced by sea or land clutter are not
accounted for.
l No account is made for absorption of oxygen,
water vapor, fog, rain, snow, or other atmospheric
particulate matter.
In general, the contribution of