Figure 1-18.Concept of NITES I through V supporting METOC sites.
portable environmental system tailored to mobile
METOC support that includes members of mobile
teams and Marine Corps mobile support units. This
system will ultimately replace the Interim Mobile
Oceanography Support System (IMOSS). NITES V is
the Allied Environmental Support System (AESS).
The Interim Mobile Oceanography Support System
(IMOSS) is a modular, rapid-response, on-scene
environmental prediction computer system. It is a
lightweight system based on network technology and
laptop computers. IMOSS is primarily used by Navy
Mobile Environmental Team (MET) members and
Marine Corps Meteorological Mobile Facility
(METMF) members. This system can store, analyze,
and process meteorological and oceanographic
information and produce numerous METOC
application products.
System Configuration
The IMOSS consists of three sub-systems: the main
subsystem, the communication sub-system, and the
satellite sub-system. Each sub-system can be used as a
stand-alone system, depending upon mission
requirements. Network Interface Cards (NIC) included
in each sub-system allow them to be networked together
for easy tile transfer and data communications. The
ability to network also allows the IMOSS user to tie into
Local Area Networks or Wide Area Networks to obtain
products and data from remote sources. Details on
IMOSS as well as instructions for LAN and WAN
connectivity can be found in the Interim Mobile
Oceanography Support System (IMOSS) Users Guide,
published by the Naval Oceanographic Office and
delivered with each system. Figure 1-19 shows the
basic IMOSS LAN configuration.
Main Module
The main module is designed to be used primarily
for briefing support and the production of products from
the GFMPL suite of software. The main module
consists of a laptop computer, a classified, removable
hard drive, and network interface devices. The current
laptop computers include either an IBM 760EL(U4G)
Thinkpad or a NEC VERSA 6030H Notebook. Both
have a 133MHz Pentium processor, CD-ROM drive,
and floppy drive capacity. These systems run using the
Microsoft NT operating system and are loaded with
Microsoft Office. Older systems operate on an IBM