TESS-Next Century
Figure 1-17.TESS-NC hardware configuration for afloat units.
The Tactical Environmental Support System-Next
Century or TESS-NC is the latest in a series of
scheduled changes to shipboard (as well as shore-based
communications) for the next century. The vision for
this system is to provide easy access not only to a wide
range of data from various sources, but also to interface
with remote systems to access a variety of
environmental applications programs. TESS-NC will
provide a METOC database containing climatological
data, on-scene environmental measurements, and
numerical forecasts. TESS-NC will have the capability
to produce analyses and forecasts, to support weather
briefings, and also provide tactical decision aids. The
goal is to provide maximum flexibility to support the
individual needs of each site.
As of this writing, the final configuration of TESS-
NC is not available. TESS-NC will retain the basic
configuration of the TESS-NC Transition, but will be
equipped with more powerful computer processors. It
will consist of at least three PC workstations using 300
to 500 MHz Pentium processors. Each of these
workstations will have SIPRNET access. An
unclassified workstation, operating with a 300 to 500
MHz Pentium processor, will be used for NIPRNET
access, HF facsimile download, and connection to the
ships LAN. A standard 166 MHz laptop with
SIPRNET access is also included. Additionally, TESS-
NC will have a Unix-based server and workstation for
access to the Global Command and Control System-
Maritime (GCCS-M). The system will also have
connectivity to the SMQ-11 (fig. 1-17). Software for
TESS-NC is discussed in chapter 2.
TESS-NC is actually included with several
METOC-related support systems under the umbrella of
the Navy Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem
(NITES). NITES incorporates five major subsystems
identified as NITES I through V (fig. 1-18). NITES I
will be the classified local data ingest center and
principal METOC analysis and forecast system.
NITES I is in fact another designation for the TESS-NC.
NITES II is the METOC-related software segment
found on the Global Command and Control System-
Maritime (GCCS-M). NITES II is actually a classified
network that will provide access to a distributed
METOC database via a GCCS-M Unix workstation.
NITES III is the unclassified forecast, briefing, and
display system tailored to Naval METOC shore
activities in support of aviation operations. This system
will be the eventual replacement for the MIDDS, which
was discussed earlier in the chapter. NITES IV is the