Figure 2-36.(A) Vertical wind profile, (B) Horizontal wind profile, (C) Basic interpretation of display, (D) Doppler velocity
would appear in the horizontal. View (C) is a basic
interpretation of wind direction along the zero-
Doppler line where the small arrows represent wind
vectors. The orientation of the zero-Doppler line in this
figure indicates the wind direction is perpendicular to
the radar beam at that particular azimuth. For example,
along the outer edge of the display, the velocity is zero
when the radar beam points to the north (point l), and
to the south (point 3). This means that the wind is either
blowing from west to east or east to west at the height
corresponding to the edge of the display (remember the
pseudo 3-D display). Since Doppler velocities are
negative along the western side of the display and
positive along the eastern side, the wind must be