NOTE: Although the following references were current when this
TRAMAN was published, their continued currency cannot be assured.
When consulting these references, keep in mind that they may have been
revised to reflect new technology or revised methods, practices, or
procedures. You therefore need to ensure that you are studying the latest
Chapter 1
Desk Reference for Receiver-Recorder Set, Meteorological Data AN/SMQ-11,
Reference Publication RP 52, Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space
Center, MS, 1993.
GOES Products and Services Catalog, U.S. Department of Commerce/ National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., 1996.
GOES TAP Imaging System (GTIS), Hughes STX Corporation, 1992.
GOES Users Guide, U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., 1983.
Interim Mobile Oceanography Support System (IMOSS) Users Guide (DRAFT),
Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center, MS, August 1997.
Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Integrated Data Display System
(MIDDS) Users Guide (Version 2.1), Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis
Space Center, MS, June 1998.
Naval Tactical Applications Guide "Operational Environmental Satellites,"
NEPRF Technical Report TR 83-02, Naval Environmental Prediction
Research Facility, Monterey, CA, 1983.
Navy Oceanographic Data Distribution System (NODDS) Version 4.0 Users
Manual, Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey,
CA, 1996.
NOAA KLM Users Guide (DRAFT), U. S. Department of Commerce/National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., August 1997.
Operators Manual, Tactical Environmental Support System (TESS (3.0)) and
Shipboard Meteorological and Oceanographic Observing System (SMOOS),
Vol. 11, NAVELEXCEN VJO 14203-0302428A, NISE WEST Vallejo, CA,
Organizational Maintenance with Illustrated Parts Breakdown Receiver/Recorder
Set Meteorological Data AN/SMQ-11, NAVAIR 50-30SMQ-11, Naval Air
Warfare Center, Indianapolis, IN, 1990.
Products Manual (Publication P-3140), Fleet Numerical Meteorology and
Oceanography Center, Monterey, CA, October 1997.
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