. Areas of lower salinity (river runoff, ice edge)will reduce the conductivity of the water and overalleffectiveness of MIW operations. Conductivity isdirectly proportional to salinity and temperature.. In coastal environments with a large input offresh water from river runoff, a strong positive soundvelocity gradient can form causing upward refraction ofthe sonar beam.MeteorologyThere are several METOC considerations that mustbe addressed in the planning and conducting of MIWoperations.lSurface winds — If they are too strong, can wehave an effective operation?lWave action — Affects underwater visibility,burial and movement of mines, accuracy of navigation,sound velocity profiles, deployment of MNVs, sweepgear, and divers..Prevailing visibility — If obstructions tovisibility are present, navigation, minehunting andsweep effectiveness is decreased..Hours of daylight — Airborne minehunting,minesweeping, and EOD diver operations are primarilyconducted during daylight hours.Now let’s discuss the environmentalamphibious warfare (AMW) operations.support forBRIEFING OF METOC SUPPORT FORAMW OPERATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES:Brief theCommander, Amphibious Task Force (CATF),and all interested personnel on expectedMETOC conditions during the planning,embarkation, rehearsal, movement, and assaultphases of AMW operations.In this discussion of AMW operations we will bediscussing environmental support during the Planningphase, followed by the Embarkation phase, Rehearsalphase, Movement phase, and lastly the Assault phase(PERMA).THE PLANNING PHASEThe Aerographer must first become familiar withthe initial operation plans (OPPLANs) and operationorders (OPORDs), and must attend pre-missionbriefings and conferences so that environmental factorsaffecting the various aspects of the mission can beaddressed. In addition, the Aerographer must beprepared to provide the following:. Long-range climatological and historical data.During the planning phase this can prove critical tomission success. Determine conditions that will mostlikely influence the location and time of landingincluding:———Weather. Emphasis should be given to cloudceiling height, visibility, and winds. Thisalso includes local effects.Sea, swell, and surf conditions.Sea surface temperatures.. Astronomical data (sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset, and percent of illumination), tidal data thataffects local anchorages, as well as surf conditions toinclude:———Character of surf zone.Degree of exposure of potential obstacles inthe surf zone.Beach slope/s.—Wave oscillation in harbor/s.. Hydrographic data for inshore navigation oflanding craft.— Treacherous regions of bays, harbors, etc.— Sandbars.— Reefs.THE EMBARKATION PHASEDuring this phase, equipment and troops areembarked in assigned ships.Load out isaccomplished.. Amphibious operations are keyed to sequentialevents.. Environmental support may include bothmid-range and short-range forecasts.l The OA division aboard the LHA/LHD/LPHbecomes the focal point of the operation.13-7
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