As a radar pulse travels through the atmosphere,
various physical actions cause the energy of the pulse
to decrease. In this section, we will describe these
physical actions and their effect on radar systems.
A common misconception about a radar beam is
that it travels in a straight line, much like that of a laser
beam. In reality, the beam (electromagnetic wave) is
actually bent due to differences in atmospheric
density. These density differences, both vertical and
horizontal, affect the speed and direction of
electromagnetic waves. In some regions, a wave may
speed up, while in other regions it may slow down.
When one portion of a wave is slowed and another
portion is not, the wave bends in the direction of the
slower portion of the wave. This bending is known as
refraction. Refraction in the atmosphere is ultimately
caused by variations in temperature, moisture, and
pressure, with changes in moisture having the greatest
Refractive Index and Refractivity
In free space, an electromagnetic wave will travel
in a straight line because the velocity of the wave is the
same everywhere. The ratio of the distance a wave
would travel in free space to the distance it actually
travels in the earths atmosphere is called the refractive
index. The refractive index is symbolized by "n" and a
typical value at the earths surface would be 1.000300.
Thus, "n" would gradually decrease to 1.000000 as
you move upward toward the theoretical interface
between the atmosphere and free space. For example,
in the time it takes for electromagnetic energy to travel
a distance of one wavelength in air at 1000 hPa, 15°C
temperature, and 40 percent relative humidity, it could
have traveled 1.0003 wavelengths in free space, which
makes 1.0003 the refractive index. The normal value
of n for the atmosphere near the earths surface varies
between 1.000250 and 1.000400.
Since the refractive index produces a somewhat
unwieldy number, we use a scaled refractive index
called refractivity. Refractivity is symbolized by "N"
and is a function of pressure, temperature, and vapor
pressure (moisture). A result is that atmospheric
refractivity near the earths surface normally varies
between 250 and 400 N units (the smaller the N-value,
the faster the propagation; the larger the N-value, the
slower the propagation). Refractivity values become
smaller with decreasing pressure and decreasing
moisture, but larger with decreasing temperature. All
of these variables usually decrease with increasing
altitude. However, the increase in N due to decreasing
temperature is not sufficient to offset the decrease in N
due to a decrease in moisture and pressure. As a result,
refractivity values will normally decrease with
increasing height.
NOTE: It is sometimes advantageous to compute
refractivity in terms of waves traveling in a straight
line. This may be approximated by replacing the actual
earths radius (curved earth) with one approximately
four-thirds as great ("flat earth"). The refractivity
using this orientation is called modified refractivity
and is expressed in M units.
Several software programs such as GFMPL
automatically compute N-units and M-units from
radiosonde data. N-units can also be computed from a
special Skew-T, Log P diagram with a refractivity
overprint (DOD-WPC 19-16-2). A refractivity
nomogram, such as the one in Appendix II, can also be
Refractive Conditions
Under normal atmospheric conditions, when there
is a gradual decrease of pressure, temperature, and
humidity with height, a radar beams curvature is
slightly less than the earths curvature. This causes it to
gradually climb higher with distance and is called
standard or normal refraction (fig. 2-15, view A).
When there is an unusual or other-than-normal vertical
distributions of moisture and/or temperature,
nonstandard refraction or anomalous propagation
(AP) takes place. This causes exaggerated bending of
the beam either up or down. There are three categories
of anomalous propagation: subrefraction,
superrefraction, and ducting.
SUBREFRACTION.-Occasionally, motions in
the atmosphere produce a situation where the
temperature and humidity distributions create an
increasing value of N with height. This occurs when
density contrast in the atmosphere is weak, such as
when water vapor content increases and/or
temperature decreases rapidly with height. The beam
bends less than normal and climbs excessively
skyward. This phenomenon is known as subrefraction.
Subrefraction causes the radar to overshoot targets that
are normally detected (fig. 2-15, view B).
Subrefractive conditions are generally rare, and
usually occur in desert regions and on the lee sides of
mountain ranges.