The radar interprets velocity and spectrum width
returns from beyond the ambiguous range as occurring
within the range. Range dealiasing software has been
implemented in the Radar Data Acquisition (RDA)
component preprocessor. The purpose is to attempt to
replace range-folded doppler data to its proper range.
This software compares radar power returns from the
possible ranges of doppler velocity and spectrum width
data, If the power at one possible range is more than the
power at the other ranges, the data are assigned to that
range and the doppler data from the other ranges are
considered ambiguous. If the power from the different
cringes is within 10 dB, the doppler data at all those
ranges are considered unambiguous. Ambiguous
doppler data are flagged as range folded, treated as
missing by all algorithms, and are displayed as purple
(adaptable) at the principal user processor (PUP).
Recognition of Range-Folded Data
Range-folded data should be easily recognized in a
Reflectivity product. Range-folded data have a spiky
appearance in the radials where they appear. In
addition, the reflectivity values where the data are
folded will not be similar to those surrounding them.
Range-folded data are detectable by comparing
Reflectivity and Mean Radial Velocity products, as well
as comparing current displays with previous products
for time and space continuity.
Range folding may occur under conditions of
anomalous propagation where the radar beam is
constrained to follow a path close to the Earths surface,
or when strong convection occurs beyond the first trip
(250 nmi).
When possible, the range dealiasing software will
place the doppler velocity and spectrum width data at
the proper range. When this software cannot determine
the proper range, the data will be flagged and displayed
as range folded.
Assessing the Impact of Range-Folded Data
Range-folded data can impact products and
algorithms that use reflectivity data. When
range-folded data are present, corrupted data are
displayed with valid data. Products using multiple
reflectivity scans may be affected as well.
The impact of doppler velocity and spectrum width
range folding is significant, both in the radars
unambiguous range limits and in areas of significant
velocity data lost due to ambiguous returns. In addition,
range ambiguous values are treated as missing by the
velocity-based algorithms and can, therefore, seriously
impact those algorithms.
Assessing Impacts of Range-Folded Data on
Velocity Products
The presence of range-folded (overlaid) data on
Mean Radial Velocity products is inevitable. The
inability to determine velocity estimates for the sample
volumes results from the inability of the range unfolding
algorithm to distinguish between power returns from
two or more sample volumes at the same relative
location within different trips. Therefore, valid velocity
estimates can be derived for only one corresponding
sample volume along each radial, The ring of
range-folded (overlaid) data at the beginning of the
second and subsequent trips is caused by the first trip
ground clutter and is a common result of this range
unfolding limitation.
This section will briefly describe methods of
identifying and assessing the impacts of ground clutter,
anomalous propagation, sidelobes, and solar effects.
Ground Clutter
Prior to calculation of reflectivity, velocity, or
spectrum width, return signals from ranges within the
radars normal ground clutter pattern are processed to
remove most of the signal returned from targets that are
stationary (part B of the FMH-11). The portion of signal
not removed, called residual clutter, will remain as part
of many of the products.
CLUTTER. A low-elevation Reflectivity product
will show ground clutter close to the radar or distant
mountainous terrain, It will normally appear as a cluster
of points (having a speckled nature) or as a large area of
contiguous returns. Errors are recognizable as wedges
having sharp radial discontinuities from adjacent
regions and whose predominant colors differ markedly.
Errors may also appear as radial spikes several volume
samples in length, whose velocities are shifted toward
high positive or negative values. A time lapse of
Reflectivity products will show no movement of these
returns. With increasing antenna elevations, ground
clutter returns will disappear. Generally, mean
velocities will be near zero and spectrum widths will be
very narrow.