3. Radical reorientation of the trough. This usually
happens where the trough is initially NE-SW, resulting
in a N-S and in some cases a NW-SE orientation after
sufficient time (36 hours).
4. This situation may actually cut off a low in the
lower area of the trough. This usually happens when the
high-speed winds approaching the ridge are
southwesterly and approach the ridge at a comparatively
high latitude relative to the trough. This frequently
reorients the trough line towards a more NE-SW
Usually, the reorientation of the trough
occurs simultaneously with 1 and 2.
Sharply Curved Ridges
Closely related to the previously mentioned
situation are cases of sharply curved ridges where the
gradient in the sharply curved portion (usually the
northern portions of a north-south ridge) has
momentarily built up to a strength that is incompatible
with the anticyclonic curvature. Such ridges often
collapse with great rapidity prior to the development of
such excessive gradients, causing rapid filling of the
adjacent downstream trough, and large upper contour
The gradient wind relation implies that
subsequent trajectories of the high-speed parcels
generated in the strong ridge line gradient must be less
anticyclonically curved than the contours in the ridge.
It can also be shown from the gradient wind
equation that the anticyclonic curvature increases as the
difference between the actual wind and the geostrophic
wind increases, until the actual wind is twice the
geostrophic wind, when the trajectory curvature is at a
maximum. This fact can be used in determining the
trajectory of high-speed parcels approaching sharply
curved stationary ridges or sharply curved stationary
ridges with strong gradients. By measuring the
geostrophic wind in the ridge, the maximum trajectory
curvature can be obtained from the gradient wind scale.
This trajectory curve is the one that an air parcel at the
origin point of the scale will follow until it intersects the
correction curve from the geostrophic speed to the
displacement curve of twice the geostrophic speed.
Actual Wind Speeds
If actual wind speed observations are available for
parcels approaching the ridge, comparison can be made
with the geostrophic winds (pressure gradient) in the
ridge. If the actual speeds are more than twice the
measured geostrophic wind in the ridge, the anticyclonic
curvature of these high-speed parcels will be less than
the maximum trajectory curvature obtained from the
gradient wind scale, and even greater overshooting of
these high-speed parcels will occur across lower
Convergence in the west side of the
downstream trough results in lifting of the tropopause
with dynamic cooling and upper-level contour rises.
Subgradient Winds
Low-speed winds approaching an area of stronger
gradient become subject to an unbalanced gradient force
toward the left due to the weaker Coriolis force. These
subgradient winds are deflected toward lower pressure,
crossing contours and producing contour rises in the
area of cross-contour flow. This cross-contour flow
accelerates the air until it is moving fast enough to be
balanced by the stronger pressure gradient. Due to the
acceleration of the slower oncoming parcels of air, the
contour rises propagate much faster than might be
expected on the basis of the slow speed of the air as it
initially enters the stronger pressure gradient.
The following two rules summarize the discussion
of subgradient winds:
. High-speed winds approaching low-speed winds
with weak cyclonically curved contour gradients are
indicative of divergence and upper-height falls
downstream to the left of the current.
. Low-speed winds approaching strong,
cyclonically curved contour gradients or high-speed
winds approaching low-speed winds with weak
anticyclonically curved contour gradients are indicative
of convergence and upper height rises downstream and
to the left and right of the current, respectively.
Convergence and divergence have a pronounced
effect upon the weather occurring in the atmosphere.
Vertical motion, either upward or downward, is
recognized as an important parameter in the
atmosphere. For instance, extensive regions of
precipitation associated with extratropical cyclones are
regions of large-scale upward motion. Similarly, the
nearly cloud-free regions in large anticyclones are
regions in which air is subsiding. Vertical motions also
affect temperature, humidity, and other meteorological