Convergence is occurring when wind speeds are
decreasing downstream; that is, mass is accumulating
upstream. Conversely, divergence is occurring when
wind speeds are increasing downstream; that is, mass is
being depleted upstream.
Wind speed in relation to the wind direction is also
a valuable indicator. For example, on a streamline
analysis chart we can analyze both wind direction and
wind speed, variations in wind speed along the
streamlines, or the convergence or divergence of the
The following are some of the combinations or
variations of wind speed and direction:
. In a field of parallel streamlines (wind flow), if
the wind speed is decreasing downstream (producing a
net inflow of air for the layer), convergence is taking
place. If the flow is increasing downstream (a net
outflow of air from the layer), divergence is occurring.
. In an area of uniform wind speed along the
streamlines, if the streamlines diverge (fan out),
divergence is occurring; if the streamlines converge
(come together), convergence is taking place.
. Normally, the convergence and divergence
components are combined. The fact that streamlines
converge or diverge does not necessarily indicate
convergence or divergence. We must also consider the
wind speeds whether they are increasing or
decreasing downstream in relation to whether the
streamlines are spreading out or coming together.
. If, when looking downstream on the streamlines,
the wind speed increases and the streamlines diverge,
divergence is taking place. On the other hand, if the
wind speed decreases downstream and the streamlines
come together, convergence is taking place.
There are other situations where it is more difficult
to determine whether divergence or convergence is
occurring, such as when the wind speed decreases
downstream and the wind flow diverges, as well as when
wind speed increases downstream and the wind flow
converges. A special evaluation then must be made to
determine the net inflow or outflow.
In this section we will be discussing high-level
convergence and divergence in relation to downstream
contour patterns and the associated advection patterns.
Low tropospheric advection (and also stratospheric
advection) certainly play a large role in pressure change
Since the term divergence is meant to denote
depletion of mass, while convergence is meant to denote
accumulation of mass, the forecaster is concerned with
the mass divergence or mass convergence in estimating
pressure or height changes. Mass divergence in the
entire column of air produces pressure or height falls,
while mass convergence in the entire column of air
produces pressure or height rises at the base of the
Mass Divergence and Mass Convergence
Mass divergence and mass convergence involve the
density field as well as the velocity field. However, the
mass divergence and mass convergence of the
atmosphere are believed to be largely stratified into two
layers as follows:
l Below about 600 hPa, velocity divergence and
convergence occur chiefly in the friction layer, which is
about one-eighth of the weight of the 1,000-to 600-hPa
advection stratum, and may be disregarded in
comparison with density transport in estimating the
contribution to the pressure change by the advection
. Above 600 hPa, mass divergence and
convergence largely result from horizontal divergence
and convergence of velocity. However, on occasion,
stratospheric advection of density may be a modifying
The stratum below the 400-hPa level may be
regarded as the ADVECTION stratum, while the
stratum above the 400-mb level maybe regarded as the
significant horizontal divergence or convergence
stratum. Also, the advection stratum maybe thought of
as the zone in which compensation of the dynamic
effects of the upper stratum occurs.
The Isopycnic Level
At about 8km (26,000 ft) the density is nearly
constant. This level, which is near the 350-hPa pressure
surface, is called the isopycnic level. This level is the