mesocyclones, centroids, storm tops, and hail indices
are all automatically generated. In addition to the
automatically generated remarks, Part C provides for
optional manual entries. Appendix III provides a
listing of definitions and symbols that are routinely
used in the remarks section.
What do the plotted heights on the Echo Tops
(ET) product indicate?
What is displayed on the Severe Weather
Probability (SWP) product?
What is a mesocyclone?
The Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) product is
derived from what data?
How long will the Storm Track Indicator (STI)
product track an individual storm?
What information does the Hail Index (HI)
product provide?
What is the primary purpose of the Reflectivity
Cross-section (RCS) product?
How could the Reflectivity Cross-Section (RCS)
product be useful to an observer?
What information can be obtained from the
Vertical Cross-Section (VCS) product in clear-
air mode?
What does the symbol "ZR " indicate in a Radar
Coded Message?
publications associated with the WSR-88D
The Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 11
(FMH-11), Doppler Radar Meteorological
Observations, is the governing manual for Doppler
weather radar observations and consists of four parts.
Part A, System Concepts, Responsibilities. and
Procedures, explains the overall concept of the WSR-
88D program and details site responsibilities and
outlines general procedures. It also contains default
values for the WSR-88D. Part B, Doppler Radar
Theory and Meteorology, contains a detailed
description of the WSR-88D along with a functional
overview of system components. It also contains
valuable information on the interpretation of Doppler
velocity patterns. Part C, WSR-88D Products and
Algorithms, describes the various products and
algorithms of the WSR-88D, and provides information
on the different operational modes. Part D, WSR-88D
Unit Description and Operational Applications,
provides an in-depth description of the various
components of the WSR-88D and discusses the
operational applications of meteorological and non-
meteorological echoes.
The Operators Handbook, Principal User
Processor, consists of three volumes and is the best
guide to learning the operation of the PUP workstation.
Volume I contains information on the graphic tablet
and Volume II contains information on the
applications terminal. Volume III details information
on the system console.
In this chapter, we covered the WSR-88D Doppler
weather radar system. We began with a discussion of
electromagnetic energy and radar theory. Then we
discussed the basic principles of radar propagation and
the effects of atmospheric variables on this propagation.
We then introduced you to Doppler radar theory and
discussed the configuration and communications
system of the WSR-88D. We completed the chapter
with an overview of the strengths and limitations of the
products available from the WSR-88D.