that may require an amended TAF. Table 3-5 is a
summary of minimum amendment criteria. More
stringent amendment criteria may be established
locally. The actual time that the amendment is
completed for transmission is the last element encoded.
For example, an amendment completed at 2130 UTC
would have as the last element "AMD 2130."
Not all, but most aviation weather offices are
equipped with a PMSV voice radio. PMSV radio is
used to pass updated weather observations and forecasts
to aircraft in flight and to receive pilot-reported, flight-
level, weather observations or pilot reports (PIREPs).
The duty observer is normally assigned the
responsibility to transmit and receive traffic over the
PMSV radio. In the next section, we will discuss the
PIREP code.
What instruction governs the use of the Terminal
Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) code for Navy and
Marine Corps activities?
What are the standard synoptic times for the
transmission of TAFs and what is the valid
forecast period?
What cloud genus is always reported as a
separate group for element NsNsNshshshs of the
TAF code?
When is the abbreviation "WSCONDS" used in
the TAF code?
How should light icing from 6,000 to 10,000 feet
be encoded in a TAF?
Table 3-5.Minimum Amendment Criteria
Minimum Amendment Criteria
Ceilings and Visibilities
Whenever ceilings and/or visibilities are observed or are later
forecast to increase to, equal or exceed, or decrease to less than
any of the following:
3,000 ft
4,800 meters
1,000 ft
1,600 meters
200 ft
800 meters
Surface Winds
Wind speed change of 10 knots or more.
Directional change of 30° or more when mean wind or gusts
are in excess of 15 knots.
Winds speed or directional change resulting in change of
active runway.
Thunderstorm or Tornadic Activity
Thunderstorm or tornadic activity was not forecast to occur,
but later occurs or is expected to occur.
Thunderstorm or tornadic activity was forecast, but later is not
Precipitation that will affect safety of flight, including runway
braking action, is occurring or is forecast to occur, of if
forecast, is no longer expected.
Non-Convective, Low-Level Wind Shear
Low-Level Wind Shear is occurring or forecast to occur, or if
forecast, is no longer expected.
Whenever the observed altimeter falls below, or is expected to
fall below the original forecast.