The observers eyes will be permanently
damaged by looking directly at the focused sun
image through the theodolite. Therefore, the
observer must use extreme caution following
the balloon while it is near the suns angular
bearing. and never track the balloon across the
suns disk.
All pilot balloons are made of neoprene and are
usually inflated with helium. A 100-gram balloon is
used for a daytime scheduled Pibal that is expected to
ascend 15,000 feet or more above the surface or during
high-wind conditions. The 30-gram balloons are used
for all other Pibals, including nighttime observations
when equipped with a chemical light. The choice of
color is to some extent a matter for the individual to
decide. In general, white balloons are used with a clear
sky; black balloons, with low or middle overcast, and
red balloons, with high overcast. Usually, when haze,
dust, or smoke is present in a cloudless sky, a white
balloon remainsvisible longest. This is true because the
sun shining upon it above a lower layer of haze creates
scintillation a twinkling or shimmering, which is
absent when colored balloons are used.
Pilot balloons are inflated to achieve standard
ascension rates. The 30-gram balloons are inflated with
helium to neutral buoyancy while connected to the
inflation nozzle weighted to exactly 139 grams (192
night). The 100-gram balloons are inflated with helium
to neutral buoyancy while connected to the inflation
nozzle weighted to exactly 515 grams (552 night). The
length of cord used to tie the balloon neck is draped over
the nozzle during inflation of the balloon. For nighttime
observations, the additional weight of a chemical light
is compensated for by hanging an unactivated light on
the nozzle during inflation.
The initial ascension rate (216 ft/min for 30-gram
and 350 ft/min for 100-gram balloons) slows gradually
as the balloon expands.
The height of either size
balloon at any time is listed in the FMH-3, and is also
printed on the MF5-20 Winds Aloft Computation
Sheet. The computer evaluation programs calculate
balloon height based on the time in flight. A surface
wind observation must be taken no more than 5 minutes
before release.
Lighting Units
Tracking a night Pibal is made possible by attaching
a lightweight chemical light to the balloon. The lighting
unit should be activated just prior to the release in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions. You
may use any color high-intensity chemical light,
although green is most often used.
The GFMPL programs that evaluate Pibal winds
only require the size of the balloon used and the
consecutive minute readings of azimuth and elevation
to determine wind speed and direction by the minute
and/or in 1,000-foot (AGL) increments.
If the data is to be encoded for transmission, only
standard pressure level and fixed level (or significant
level winds) are reported. Pibal observations that do not
extend to at least 1,000 feet are not transmitted.
Guidance for the determination and selection of levels
is contained in Appendix D and E of the FMH-3. These
wind levels are determined after the consecutive minute
or 1,000 foot winds are plotted on the Winds Aloft
Graphing Board or the Winds Aloft Plotting Chart.
Normally, 5 consecutive minutes of missing data will
necessitate a new launch in addition to any equipment
problems, such as a loose base clamp, etc. Missing data
for less than 5 minutes may be interpolated. If severe or
unusual weather exists in the vicinity of the observation
site, a second verifying Pibal should be taken as soon as
possible. After the observed data is plotted and
evaluated, it is encoded in the PILOT code, as discussed
later in this chapter.
Earlier in this chapter, we introduced the different
codes used to relay upper-air observation data. We have
briefly discussed the Mini Rawinsonde System
observation procedures and indicated that the MRS
automatically encodes the observed data in the
appropriate form of the TEMP code. We have also
mentioned that if Pibal-observed winds are encoded for
relay, the PILOT code form is used. Although not every
Navy or Marine Corps observer will have the
opportunity to conduct upper-air observations, all will
routinely use data contained in coded upper-air
observation reports.
Q32. What is the primary purpose of Pibal
Q33. What instrument is used to track pilot balloons?