aircraft performance indicators computed from
observed data. Define the terms pressure
altitude, density altitude, and specific
humidity. Describe the procedure used to
compute pressure altitude and density altitude.
Identify the procedure used to find specific
Air density and water vapor content of the air have
an important effect upon aircraft engine performance
and takeoff characteristics. In this section, we describe
some of these effects and how they are computed. The
three most common elements an Aerographers Mate
must furnish information on are pressure altitude,
density altitude, and specific humidity. All ofthesemay
be determined by using a Density Altitude Computer,
discussed in chapter 2, while pressure altitude and
density altitude can be easily obtained from ASOS.
Pressure altitude and density altitude are given in feet;
while specific humidity is provided in grams per gram
or in pounds per pound. Now lets look at pressure
Pressure altitude is defined as the altitude of a
given atmospheric pressure in the standard atmosphere.
The pressure altitude of a given pressure is usually a
fictitious altitude, since it is rarely equal to true altitude.
Pressure altitude is equal to true altitude only when
pressure at sea level (or the flight-level pressure)
corresponds to the pressure of the U.S. Standard
Atmosphere. Pressure altitude higher than the actual
altitude indicates the air is less dense than normal, and
the aircraft may not be able to carry a full (standard)
cargo load. Pressure altitude lower than the actual
altitude means the air is more dense than normal, and
the aircraft may be able to takeoff successfully with a
larger cargo load.
Aircraft altimeters are constructed for the pressure-
height relationship that exists in the standard
atmosphere. Therefore, when the altimeter is set to
standard sea-level pressure (29.92 inches of mercury), it
indicates pressure altitude and not true altitude. Flight
levels-an indicated altitude based on an altimeter
setting of 29.92 inches-rather than true altitudes, are
flown above 18,000 feet in the United States, and on
over-water flights more than 100 miles offshore. The
quickest method for approximating the pressure altitude
is by using the Pressure Reduction Computer (CP-
402/UM), covered in chapter 2. Detailed instructions
are listed on the computer. For your own station, you
simply dial in the current station pressure and read the
pressure altitude on the scale. The solution is more
complex when converting forecast altimeter settings to
pressure altitude, but the pressure reduction computer
may still be used. On occasion, you may find yourself in
a situation where this device is not available. Two
alternate methods follow that will enable you to
calculate approximations of the pressure altitude.
Pressure altitude varies directly with the change in
pressure multiplied by a complex variable. The variable
amount takes into account temperature and station
elevation. Both methods simplify the equation but still
give fairly close pressure altitude approximations.
The first method uses a set of precalculated pressure
altitudes based on pressure differences from standard
pressure. These are listed in table 1-5.
Using the table, you may find the pressure altitude
value corresponding to your current or forecast
altimeter setting or the current or forecast altimeter
setting for any other station. This value must be added to
your station elevation or the other stations elevation to
find the pressure altitude. For example, if your altimeter
setting is 29.41 inches and your station elevation is
1,500 feet, you would enter the left side of the table with
"29.4" and find the intersection of the column under
"0.01" to find 476 feet. Add 476 feet to your station
elevation, 1,500 feet, to find the pressure altitude 1,976
You may also use the table to find pressure altitude
by using station pressure. Station elevation should
NOT be added to the value when using station pressure.
The second method is useful when you do not have
ready access to the table. To calculate pressure altitude,
use the formula
PA = pressure altitude,
HA = station elevation, and
PA V = pressure altitude variation approximation
(or 29.92 minus the current altimeter setting
times 1,000).