frequency, consult with the duty radiomen for the best
available antenna to use to receive the desired
broadcast. Aboard CVs, LHAs and LHDs, several
shipboard antennas may be dedicated for use by the
weather office. When dedicated antennas are present,
one or more AN/SRA-12 antenna patch panels will be
located within the Met Office (fig. 1-21).
On the AN/SRA-12, the top row of jacks may
contain plug connections to either antennas or receiver
sets. In figure l-21, two antennas are available: INT
ANT-2 and a LONG WIRE; and four radio receivers:
R-2368 No.5, No.6, No.7, and No.8. The lower portion
of the panel contains an antenna-input patch (on the far-
left side), and four patches for each of the seven filtered
frequency ranges varying from 32 MHz down to 14
kHz. ANT-2 has been selected as the input antenna and
connected to the input jack. R-2368 No.5 has been
patched to the filtered antenna output in the 32 MHz to
14 MHz range.
NOTE: When patching, you must always insert the
end of the antenna patch cord into the receiver first, and
then into the lowest usable filtered frequency patch.
When unpatching, remove the receiver jack first, and
then the filtered frequency patch. Patch or unpatch from
the top down.
More than one receiver may be connected to the
same antenna. For instance, receiver No.6 may be
connected by use of an additional patch cord to another
jack on the filtered 32 MHz to 14 MHz output or to
another frequency range.
There are two basic types of radio receivers found
in shipboard meteorological offices: the R-1051/URR
receiver and the newer R-2368/URR. The R-
2368/URR is currently being installed in all new
construction ships, and is being retrofitted to older ships
to replace both the R-1051/URR medium- and high-
frequency receivers and AN/WRR-3 low-frequency
R-1051/URR Receiver
The R-1051/URR receiver (fig. 1-22) receives CW,
AM, USB, LSB, and ISB signals, plus frequency-shift
keying (FSK) signals in the 2-MHz to 30-MHz range.
Frequency settings are dialed into the windows on the
front panel. This receiver is a very reliable receiver and
is very easy to operate. Operator instructions and very
simple operator maintenance procedures are contained
in the operators manual for the R-1051(B), (C), or
(D)/URR Receiver.
Figure 1-21.AN/SRA-12 antenna filter and receiver antenna patch panel.