aviators, such as temporary or permanent runway
closures, radar, communications, or guidance systems
outages, or changes in available facilities at an airfield.
At most military airfields, NOTAMs are directed to a
separate AWN terminal in the base operation office.
During terminal outages, these NOTAMs may be
redirected to the AWN terminal in the weather spaces.
Navy and Marine Corps weather observers should
coordinate directly with the local base air traffic
controllers to arrange for pickup of NOTAMs when
received over a weather circuit.
Air Force Global Weather
Intercept Program
The Air Force Global Weather Intercept Program
(GWIP) is another major function of the GWCS. Air
Force radio intercept sites around the world routinely
intercept meteorological and oceanographic
information broadcast from other nations that would
otherwise be unavailable for use. This information is
transmitted by other nations knowing that it will be
intercepted and used. This is part of the data exchange
program governed by the World Meteorological
Organization data exchange agreements. The
intercepted data is entered into the AWN, and large
amounts are forwarded to the National Weather Service
and FNMOC to supplement foreign data received from
other sources. Most of the data is used for automated
global scale analysis programs. Some selected data is
directed to the Fleet Environmental Broadcast, which is
discussed later in this chapter.
Several shore sites receive the National Weather
Service Digital Facsimile (DIFAX) satellite broadcast.
The broadcast originates at the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) located at Camp
Springs, Maryland, and it is then distributed via a
continuous satellite broadcast from the National
Weather Service office at Silver Spring, Maryland. A
small 18-inch dish antenna is used to capture the
broadcast signal at each receiver site.
The MIDDS is equipped with a special receiver
module that can ingest DIFAX products as necessary.
A few weather offices still use a desktop computer to
analyze the signal and print the graphic products on a
standard printer. No operator maintenance is required
for the equipment other than periodically reloading
paper, replacement of printer ribbons, and a periodic
vacuuming of lint and dust from the printer.
The DIFAX uses product codes for each product.
Operators access the command function via the
computer keyboard, and use the product codes to
specify which products are to be displayed or printed,
and which products are to be ignored. The product
codes are included on the facsimile transmission
schedule. Transmission schedules are periodically
broadcast and are also available via the Internet from the
DIFAX service offices at NCEP.
The DIFAX broadcast should be discontinued by
late 1999 as the NWS Advanced Weather Interactive
Processing System (AWIPS) becomes fully
operational. Most products currently available from
this service and routinely used by military weather
personnel are now available via NODDS and JMV.
So far, we have covered the various
telecommunications systems you will use in the Navy.
In the next section, we will discuss how you will access
this information.
Before a long distance commercial call can be
made from a government telephone system, what
action must be completed?
What is the purpose of the STU-III?
What are Internet "links" used for?
What is the function of a network server?
How are military URLs identified?
What Internet routing system is used to transfer
classified information between military
What types of information may be obtained from
a METOC-related military website?
What information must be included in an e-mail
What is the purpose of the AWN?
What organization is responsible for
coordinating and validating Navy and Marine
Corps AWN data requirements?
How can you obtain weather information via the
AWN that is not routinely received by your
The TT and AA indicators of a MANOP header
are used to identify what information?
What information is contained in a NOTAM?
How are DIFAX products copied?