used to determine wind vector information from the
radiosonde. Units without GPS use a VLF antenna to
monitor reception of the OMEGA network NAVAID
signals, which can be used to determine the same
information. A printer is also included in the system.
The receiver can operate in nearly any environment
on 110V or 220V alternating current, or on 24V direct
However, make sure you keep the system
sheltered from precipitation while in use. The VLF and
UHF antennas should be mounted at least 8 feet apart. If
working aboard ship, mount the antennas as high on the
ships superstructure as possible, while avoiding radar
antennas and other transmitters.
In addition to
equipment listed, a computer may be connected to the
MRS for direct download of observation data to
diskette. Data disks are then forwarded to the Fleet
Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography
Detachment (FNMOD), Asheville, North Carolina, for
archiving. Figure 1-4 shows the overall operating
scheme of the system.
Operation of the AN/UMQ-12 is very simple and is
detailed in the operators manual, MWOP-00139-3.2,
Figure 1-4.MRS system diagram (VLF-Omega).